Thursday, January 15, 2009

Times Topics

Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press
News about biofuels, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Highlights From the Archives

U.N. Says Biofuel Subsidies Raise Food Bill and Hunger

In a new report, the United Nations joined a number of environmental groups in calling for an end to — or at least an overhaul of — subsidies for biofuels.

October 8, 2008worldNews


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A Move Toward Veggie Power Aloft

Although jet fuel prices have dropped, industry executives say they are determined to become less dependence on a single source of fuel if prices rise again.

January 7, 2009
Airline Flies a 747 on Fuel From a Plant
Airline Flies a 747 on Fuel From a Plant

Air New Zealand did a test flight with a fuel made in part with oil from the jatropha plant in a search for an alternative to crude oil.

December 31, 2008
Solar Meets Polar as Winter Curbs Clean Energy
Solar Meets Polar as Winter Curbs Clean Energy

Many alternative energy sources like wind turbines and solar panels experience problems in cold weather.

December 26, 2008
Diesel, Made Simply From Coffee Grounds (Ah, the Exhaust Aroma)
Diesel, Made Simply From Coffee Grounds (Ah, the Exhaust Aroma)

Scientists at the University of Nevada, Reno, have made diesel fuel from used coffee grounds.

December 16, 2008
Homemade Fuel Raises Concerns

Phoenix fire officials say they have seen a trend of area residents using chemicals like methanol and lye to make cheap fuel.

November 23, 2008
Honesty About Ethanol

For the sake of the planet, not a particular industry, the E.P.A. must give an unbiased, accurate accounting of ethanol emissions.

November 18, 2008
How Termites Live on a Diet of Wood

Living on a diet of wood is challenging, not least because wood contains so little nitrogen. So how do termites do it?

November 14, 2008
With Little Fuel, Eco-Racers Arrive in Las Vegas
With Little Fuel, Eco-Racers Arrive in Las Vegas

In making it from Berkeley, Calif., to Las Vegas without burning an ounce of petroleum, a duo from Oregon collected a $5,000 prize in the Escape From Berkeley race.

October 15, 2008
Race Starts With Little Fuel, and Goes Uphill From There
Race Starts With Little Fuel, and Goes Uphill From There

Escape From Berkeley could be the world’s most eco-friendly race, in which alternative-fuel-burning vehicles compete with the goal of completing the race using no petroleum.

October 13, 2008
Crisis Puts Tax Moves Into Play

Several tax breaks and provisions aimed at families and businesses, but also rural schools, have been tacked onto the financial bailout legislation.

October 2, 2008
Power From the Restless Sea Stirs the Imagination
Power From the Restless Sea Stirs the Imagination

Spurred by rising costs for electricity, energy visionaries are making a new push to overcome the barriers blocking ocean-power technology.

September 23, 2008
Europe Lowers Goals for Biofuel Use

European legislators recommended Thursday that government goals for using biofuels be pared back, in a setback to the fledgling industry.

September 12, 2008
Fill ’Er Up at the Deep Fryer
Fill ’Er Up at the Deep Fryer

Across the region, local officials are changing their routines to offset rapidly rising energy costs.

August 17, 2008
In Gas-Powered World, Ethanol Stirs Complaints
In Gas-Powered World, Ethanol Stirs Complaints

A mutiny is growing against energy policies that heavily support and subsidize the blending of ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, into gasoline.

July 26, 2008
Gassing Up With Garbage
Gassing Up With Garbage

After years of false starts, a new industry selling motor fuel made from waste is getting a big push in the U.S., with the first commercial sales possible within months.

July 24, 2008


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Running on Empty (on Purpose)

Teams competing in the “Escape from Berkeley” race hope to travel 600 miles to Las Vegas using alternative fuels and without stopping at the gas pump.

Don’t Call It Waste, Call It Fuel

A new industry selling motor fuel from waste material like wood chips and garbage is getting a push in the U.S.

Food Prices Rise

Political leaders from poor countries contend that biofuels are driving up food prices and starving poor people, and leading to riots and political instability.

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