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Two men sitting on the roof of a pick-up truck, holding ears of corn, in a dense cornfield. Text reads: Two recent college grads discover where America’s food comes from when they plant a single acre of corn and follow it from the seed to the dinner plate.

With the help of government subsidies, genetically modified seeds and powerful herbicides, America’s most-subsidized crop becomes the staple of its cheapest—and most troubling—foods.
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All About Corn
Yellow dent, crop subsidies, confined animal feeding operations?
Explore the wide world of corn >>
Did you know?
Eating Challenge
Can you go a week without eating corn? We did!

Corny Corn Maze
Master the maze to get an earful of corn fun and facts.

So You Want to Be a Farmer?
See how corn farming has changed.

Alternatives to Ears
Find ways around high-fructose corn syrup and fatty burgers.
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