US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: "Keynote address, Theme 4, Management of steepland erosion: an overview"

Author: "Ziemer, Robert R."

Date: 1981

Source: Journal Hydrology (N.Z.) 20(1): 8-16.

Description: "Abstract - Steepland erosion is a composite of surface, channel, and mass erosion. The relative importance of each process is determined by an interaction between climate, soil, geology, topography, and vegetation. A change in any of these components can increase or decrease the rate of erosion. The key to successful management of erosion is the ability to 1) identify potentially erodible sites, 2) correctly assess appropriate activities at those sites, and 3) have a political/regulatory system that allows for the exclusion of hazardous sites from land treatment. Steepland erosion is controlled most effectively -- both in physical and economic terms -- by preventative land-use practice rather than corrective action."

Keywords: "PSW4351, steepland erosion, surface, soil, channel erosion, creep"

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"Ziemer, Robert R."  1981.  "Keynote address, Theme 4, Management of steepland erosion: an overview".   Journal Hydrology (N.Z.) 20(1): 8-16..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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