US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Stream channels: The link between forests and fishes

Author: "Sullivan, Kathleen; Lisle, Thomas E.; Dolloff, C. Andrew; Grant, Gordon E.; Reid, Leslie M."

Date: 1987

Source: "Chapter Three, In: Ernest O. Salo and Terrance W. Cundy (eds.), Streamside Management: Forestry and Fishery Interactions, Proceedings of a Symposium held at University of Washington, 12-14 February 1986. Contribution no. 57, Institute of Forest Resources, Seattle, Washington. p. 39-97."

Description: "Abstract - The hydraulic characteristics of flow through channels are an important component of fish habitat. Salmonids have evolved in stream systems in which water velocity and flow depth vary spatially within the watershed and temporally on a daily, seasonal, and annual basis. Flow requirements vary during different phases of the freshwater life cycle of salmonids: free passage is necessary during migration of adults; clean and stable gravel beds ensure successful incubation of eggs; and adequate velocity and depth of flow provide space for summer rearing and overwintering. The life cycles of salmonid species have adapted to the temporal variations in flow conditions by timing the phases of the life cycle to take advantage of the seasonal discharge characteristics. Spatial variability enhances species diversity by creating a variety of habitats within stream reaches; these are partitioned among individual species and age groups having different tolerances for velocity, depth, and cover conditions."

Keywords: "PSW4351, stream channels, fish habitat, salmonids, channel morphology, sediment, streams"

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"Sullivan, Kathleen; Lisle, Thomas E.; Dolloff, C. Andrew; Grant, Gordon E.; Reid, Leslie M."  1987.  Stream channels: The link between forests and fishes.   "Chapter Three, In: Ernest O. Salo and Terrance W. Cundy (eds.), Streamside Management: Forestry and Fishery Interactions, Proceedings of a Symposium held at University of Washington, 12-14 February 1986. Contribution no. 57, Institute of Forest Resources, Seattle, Washington. p. 39-97.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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