US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Evaluating forest management effects on erosion, sediment, and runoff: Caspar Creek and northwestern California

Author: Rice, Raymond M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Lewis, Jack

Date: 2004

Source: In: George G. Ice and John D. Stednick (eds.), A Century of Forest and Wildland Watershed Lessons. Bethesda, Maryland: Society of American Foresters. Pp. 223-238.

Description: The effects of multiple logging disturbances on peak flows and suspended sediment loads from second-growth redwood watersheds were approximately additive. Downstream increases were no greater than would be expected from the proportion of the area disturbed. Annual sediment load increases of from 123 to 269% were measured in tributary watersheds but were not detected at the main channel gages, implying that sediment was being temporarily stored in the intervening channels.

Keywords: PSW4351, Caspar Creek, automatic sampling, California Forest Practices Act of 1973, clearcut, discriminant analysis, erosion, erosion hazard rating (EHR), evapotranspiration, fish, floods, interception lag time, landslides, peak flows, roads, sedimentation, selective harvest, slope stability, stage-based sampling, storm volume, streamflow, suspended sediment, turbidity-based sampling, transient snowpack, water yield

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Rice, Raymond M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Lewis, Jack  2004.  Evaluating forest management effects on erosion, sediment, and runoff: Caspar Creek and northwestern California.   In: George G. Ice and John D. Stednick (eds.), A Century of Forest and Wildland Watershed Lessons. Bethesda, Maryland: Society of American Foresters. Pp. 223-238..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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