US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


US Forest Service
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Publication Information

Title: Summary and synthesis: Cumulative impacts

Author: "Rice, Raymond M.; Berg, Neil H."

Date: 1987

Source: "In: R. Z. Callaham and J. J. DeVries (Tech. Coord.), Proceedings of the California Watershed Management Conference, 18-20 November 1986, West Sacramento, California. Wildland Resources Center, University of California, Berkeley, California. Report No. 11. February 1987. p. 150-152."

Description: "Although the title of our plenary session speaks generally of ""development"", virtually all of our discussion (and that in the other two plenary sessions) dealt with the effect of forest practices. That emphasis is appropriate. Seventy percent of the State's utilizable streamflow comes from commercial forest lands. An additional 25 percent of the State's water comes from--often intermingled--brush, grass, and alpine lands. It is not surprising, therefore, that concerns about cumulative impacts concerns also focus on forested lands, and specifically upon activities relating to the harvesting of timber."

Key Words: "PSW4351, watershed, cumulative watershed impacts, streamflow, CWE"

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"Rice, Raymond M.; Berg, Neil H."  1987.  Summary and synthesis: Cumulative impacts  "In: R. Z. Callaham and J. J. DeVries (Tech. Coord.), Proceedings of the California Watershed Management Conference, 18-20 November 1986, West Sacramento, California. Wildland Resources Center, University of California, Berkeley, California. Report No. 11. February 1987. p. 150-152.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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