US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Erosional consequences of timber harvesting: An appraisal

Author: "Rice, R. M.; Rothacher, J. S.; Megahan, W. F."

Date: 1972

Source: "Proceedings National Symposium on Watersheds in Transition. American Water Resources Association, Ft. Collins, Colorado, June 1972. p. 321-329."

Description: "Abstract - This paper summarizes our current understanding of the effects of timber harvesting on erosion. Rates of erosion on mountain watersheds vary widely but the relative importance of different types of erosion and the consequences of disturbances remain fairly consistent. Therefore these conclusions seem to be valid for most circumstances: Most of man's activities will increase erosion to some extent in forested watersheds; erosion rarely occurs uniformly; sediment production declines rapidly following disturbance; landslides and creep are the chief forms of natural erosion in mountainous regions; cutting of trees does not significantly increase erosion, but clearcutting on steep unstable slopes may lead to increased mass erosion; accelerated erosion is a possible undesirable side effect of use of fire in conjunction with logging; the road system built for timber harvesting far overshadows logging or fire as a cause of increased erosion; and potentially hazardous areas can be identified in advance of the timber harvest."

Keywords: "PSW4351, lumbering, accelerated erosion, landslides, clearcutting, erosion control, roads, dry ravel, watershed disturbance, slash burning"

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  • This article was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain.

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"Rice, R. M.; Rothacher, J. S.; Megahan, W. F."  1972.  Erosional consequences of timber harvesting: An appraisal.   "Proceedings National Symposium on Watersheds in Transition. American Water Resources Association, Ft. Collins, Colorado, June 1972. p. 321-329.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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