US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Watershed analysis --- whatever that is

Author: "Reid, Leslie M."

Date: 1994

Source: Watershed Management Council Newsletter 6(2): 1;16. Fall 1994.

Description: "The same is true with cumulative watershed effects, ecosystem management, and watershed analysis. They are all exquisitely simple and profoundly revolutionary ideas, but the doing is hard. The confusion about the terms arises when people don't believe that the ideas are as simple as they seem and try to make them complicated enough to live up to their confusion. In the case of cumulative watershed effects, this took the form of trying to restrict the definition to particular types of combined effects, thereby avoiding the simple concept that if something is impacted, an impact has occurred. Restricting the definition is like insisting that if a government isn't made up of Democrats and Republicans, it's not a democracy-the concept is lost in a quibble over details."

Keywords: "PSW4351, watershed, cumulative watershed effects, ecosystem management, watershed analysis"

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"Reid, Leslie M."  1994.  Watershed analysis --- whatever that is.   Watershed Management Council Newsletter 6(2): 1;16. Fall 1994..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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