US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: 6. Monitoring and the Northwest Forest Plan

Author: "Reid, Leslie M."

Date: 1994

Source: "Issues in watershed analysis. Discussions at interdisciplinary and interagency workshops held at the Humboldt Interagency Watershed Analysis Center in McKinleyville, California."

Description: "Abstract - Monitoring will ensure that the Northwest Forest Plan is implemented as intended, determine whether the plan is achieving its intended objectives, and provide information needed to improve the plan. The credibility of the Forest Plan rests on the credibility of its monitoring program. If the monitoring program is to succeed, it must focus on well-defined objectives and use monitoring strategies that are appropriate for the specific questions being asked. Monitoring must be planned using a fundamental understanding of the system to be monitored, and the specific applications for the monitoring results must be identified early so that appropriate levels of precision and consistency can be selected. Because resources for monitoring are limited and results are to serve multiple purposes, objectives for monitoring must be prioritized and set by interagency needs using information from multiple scales of analysis, including regional assessments, basin assessments, watershed analysis, and project analysis. "

Keywords: "PSW4351, watershed analysis, Northwest Forest Plan, regional assessments, basin assessments, monitoring"

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"Reid, Leslie M."  1994.  6. Monitoring and the Northwest Forest Plan.   "Issues in watershed analysis. Discussions at interdisciplinary and interagency workshops held at the Humboldt Interagency Watershed Analysis Center in McKinleyville, California.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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