US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


US Forest Service
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Publication Information

Title: "Review of the Sustained Yield Plan / Habitat Conservation Plan for the properties of The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia Pacific Holding Company, and Salmon Creek Corporation"

Author: "Reid, Leslie M."

Date: 1998

Source: "Unpublished report prepared at the request of Congressman George Miller and EPA, 15 November 1998. 68 p."

Description: "Downstream impacts to aquatic environments and property generally occur as cumulative watershed impacts, which are usually caused by changes in the transport of woody debris, water, and sediment through a watershed. The downstream cumulative impacts that are likely to accrue from implementation of the Sustained Yield Plan / Habitat Conservation Plan for the properties of The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia Pacific Holding Company, and Salmon Creek Corporation (referred to here as the “SYP/HCP”) are thus assessed by evaluating the planÂ’s likely effects on woody debris, water, and sediment."

Keywords: "PSW4351, cumulative watershed impacts, woody debris, watershed, hillslope hydrology, streamflow, erosion, sediment transport"

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"Reid, Leslie M."  1998.  "Review of the Sustained Yield Plan / Habitat Conservation Plan for the properties of The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia Pacific Holding Company, and Salmon Creek Corporation".   "Unpublished report prepared at the request of Congressman George Miller and EPA, 15 November 1998. 68 p.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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