US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: The volume of fine sediment in pools: An index of sediment supply in gravel-bed streams

Author: Lisle, Thomas E.; Hilton, Sue

Date: 1992

Source: Water Resources Bulletin 28(2): 371-383.

Description: Abstract - During waning flood flows in gravel-bed streams, fine-grained bedload sediment (sand and fine gravel) is commonly winnowed from zones of high shear stress, such as riffles, and deposited in pools, where it mantles an underlying coarse layer. As sediment load increases, more fine sediment becomes availabe to fill pools. The volume of fine sediment in pools can be measured by probing with a metal rod, and, when expressed as the fraction (V*) of scoured residual pool volume (residual pool volume with fine sediment removed), can be used as an index of the supply of mobile sediment in a stream channel.

Keywords: PSW4351, fine sediment, sediment supply, pools, channel condition, bedload, erosion, sedimentation, water quality monitoring

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Lisle, Thomas E.; Hilton, Sue  1992.  The volume of fine sediment in pools: An index of sediment supply in gravel-bed streams.   Water Resources Bulletin 28(2): 371-383..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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