US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Title: Stabilization of a gravel channel by large streamside obstructions and bedrock bends, Jacoby Creek, northwestern California

Author: Lisle, Thomas E.

Date: 1996

Source: Geological Society of America Bulletin 97: 999-1011.

Description: Abstract - Jacoby Creek (bed width =12 m; bankfull discharge = 32.6 m 3 /s) contains stationary gravel bars that have forms and positions controlled by numerous large streamside obstructions (bedrock outcrops, large woody debris, and rooted bank projections) and bedrock bends. Bank-projection width and bar volume measured in 104 channel segments 1 bed-width long are significantly cross-correlated at lags of -1, 3, and 4, indicating the tendency for large obstructions and bends to form bars 3 to 4 bed-widths downstream and 1 bed-width upstream. All of the 18 bars downstream of large obstructions or bends in the study reach were along the obstruction side of the channel or outside bank of the bend.

Keywords: PSW4351, Jacoby Creek, streamside obstructions, bedrock bends, woody debris, alluvial channels, channel morphology

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Lisle, Thomas E.  1996.  Stabilization of a gravel channel by large streamside obstructions and bedrock bends, Jacoby Creek, northwestern California.   Geological Society of America Bulletin 97: 999-1011..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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