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Title: Estimation of suspended sediment flux in streams using continuous turbidity and flow data coupled with laboratory concentrations

Author: Lewis, Jack

Date: 2002

Source: In: Turbidity and other sediment surrogates workshop (ed. by G.D. Glysson & J.R. Gray). 30 April - 02 May 2002, Reno, Nevada. 3 p.

Description: The widening use of sediment surrogate measurements such as turbidity necessitates consideration of new methods for estimating sediment flux. Generally, existing methods can be simply be used in new ways. The effectiveness of a method varies according to the quality of the surrogate data and its relation to suspended sediment concentration (SSC). For this discussion, it is assumed that for each estimated period the surrogate data are accompanied by corresponding SSC data. If they are not, then the suspended sediment flux (i.e. yield or load) estimates are likely to be very poor. The accuracy of estimates is probably more dependent on sampling design and data quality than on the estimation method (Eads, 2002)

Keywords: PSW4351, suspended sediment flux, Turbidity Threshold Sampling, TTS, sediment transport, data logger, data quality, monitoring

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Lewis, Jack  2002.  Estimation of suspended sediment flux in streams using continuous turbidity and flow data coupled with laboratory concentrations.   In: Turbidity and other sediment surrogates workshop (ed. by G.D. Glysson & J.R. Gray). 30 April - 02 May 2002, Reno, Nevada. 3 p. .

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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