US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Evaluation of a depth proportional intake device for automatic pumping samplers

Author: Eads, Rand E.; Thomas, Robert B.

Date: 1983

Source: Water Resources Bulletin 19(2): 289-292.

Description: Abstract - A depth proportional intake boom for portable pumping samplers was used to collect suspended sediment samples in two coastal streams for three winters. The boom pivots on the stream bed while a float on the downstream end allows debris to depress the boom and pass without becoming trapped. This equipment modifies point sampling by maintaining the intake nozzle at the same proportion of water depth regardless of stage. Data taken by pumping samplers with intakes mounted on the boom were compared with depth integrated hand samples. Pumped samples showed higher concentrations then depth integrated hand samples. Results suggested that cross-sectional sampling can give high precision with proper placement and calibration of a boom mounted intake.

Keywords: PSW4351, Caspar Creek, pumping sampler, water quality, suspended sediment, statistics, sampling, watershed

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Eads, Rand E.; Thomas, Robert B.  1983.  Evaluation of a depth proportional intake device for automatic pumping samplers.   Water Resources Bulletin 19(2): 289-292..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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