US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Hetten and Tompkins paired watershed study: turbidity and SSC from paired managed and unmanaged watersheds

Author: Barber, Teri J.

Date: 1996

Source: Watershed Management Council Networker 6(4): 8-10.

Description: Controlling nonpoint source pollutants, such as sediment from silvicultural activities, depends on using only practices that effectively limit the generation and delivery of such pollutants over large areas. Using specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) for specific classes of activities is the primary control strategy, under the Clean Water Act. for nonpoint source pollution. Yet the effectiveness of accepted practices must be established and continuously demonstrated for the strategy to remain credible. For silvicultural activities, up-slope monitoring of implementation and effectiveness at the site of practices is relatively simple and yields immediate results that can be used to discover implementation deficiencies and improve practices (See Roby et al., WMC Newsletter, Fall 1991) However it is desirable to also investigate the downstream cumulative effects of entire implemented sets of BMPs on water quality and beneficial uses, in-channel.

Keywords: PSW4351, sediment, turbidity, slope, rainfall, streamflow, suspended sediment concentration, SSC

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Barber, Teri J.   1996.  Hetten and Tompkins paired watershed study: turbidity and SSC from paired managed and unmanaged watersheds .   Watershed Management Council Networker 6(4): 8-10. .

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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