US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Aquatic ecosystems of the redwood region

Author: Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Roelofs, T.D.; Frissell, C.A.

Date: 2000

Source: Pages 165-199 in R.F. Noss, ed., The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods. Island Press, Covelo, California

Description: The primary purpose of this chapter is to describe aquatic ecosystems within the redwood region and discuss related management and conservation issues. Although scientists from many disciplines have conducted research in the redwood region, few comprehensive interdisciplinary studies exist (but see Ziemer 1998b) and no regionwide overview or synthesis of the aquatic systems in the redwoods has been published. Private ownership of most of the region has limited access and, therefore, scientific study in many areas. Fortunately, a large body of applicable science exists on riparian and aquatic systems and the relationships between geomorphological, hydrologic, and biotic processes in the Pacific Northwest, some inclusive of the redwood region (e.g., Meehan 1991; Spence et a l. 1996; National Research Council 1996; Stouder et al. 1997).


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Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Roelofs, T.D.; Frissell, C.A.  2000.  Aquatic ecosystems of the redwood region.   Pages 165-199 in R.F. Noss, ed., The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods. Island Press, Covelo, California.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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