US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Sierra Nevada Science Review. Report of the Science Review Team charged to synthesize new information of rangewide urgency to the national forests of the Sierra Nevada.

Author: Millar, Constance; Lind, Amy; Rowntree, Rowan; Skinner, Carl; Verner, Jared; Zielinski, William J.; Ziemer, Robert R.

Date: 1998

Source: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Berkeley, California. 115 p.

Description:  In January, 1998, the Pacific Southwest Region and Pacific Southwest Research Station of the Forest Service initiated a collaborative effort to incorporate new information into planning future management of Sierra Nevada national forests. The project, known as the Sierra Nevada Framework for Conservation and Collaboration, will incorporate the latest scientific information and broad public and intergovernmental participation in watershed-scale ecosystem planning. The national forest portion of the project, which allows for forest plan amendment, is expected to be completed by mid-summer, 1999.

Keywords: PSW4351, Sierra Nevada, Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, SNEP, demographic, socioeconomic conditions, fire and fuels, ecosystem management goals, Old-Forest Ecosystems, Aquatic, Riparian and Meadow Ecosystems, conifer zone, roads, bighorn sheep

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Millar, Constance; Lind, Amy; Rowntree, Rowan; Skinner, Carl; Verner, Jared; Zielinski, William J.; Ziemer, Robert R.  1998.  Sierra Nevada Science Review. Report of the Science Review Team charged to synthesize new information of rangewide urgency to the national forests of the Sierra Nevada. .   USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Berkeley, California. 115 p..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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