US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Incorporating Partners in Flight Priorities into State Agency Operational Plans: Development of a Management System for Wetland Passerines

Author: Hodgman, Thomas P.

Date: 2005

Source: In: Ralph, C. John; Rich, Terrell D., editors 2005. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California, Volume 1 Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Albany, CA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: p. 213-218

Station ID: GTR-PSW-191

Description: State agencies are often considered the prime avenues for implementation of Partners in Flight (PIF) bird conservation plans. Yet, such agencies already have in place a planning structure, which allows for dispersal of Federal Aid funds and guides management actions. Consequently, superimposing additional planning frameworks (e.g., PIF bird conservation plans) on state agencies may be met with resistance. Maine has successfully overcome these obstacles through an integrated planning approach that uses stakeholder input to set objectives, meets agency commitments under Federal Aid, and culminates in a management system which directs research, management, and outreach activities for species recognized as high priority by PIF. This approach could easily be adapted by other states to better integrate PIF conservation plans into agency operations, and furthermore, offers potential for including public input into development and implementation of state comprehensive wildlife conservation plans.

Keywords: assessment, implementation, planning, prioritization, public input, stakeholders

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Hodgman, Thomas P.  2005.  Incorporating Partners in Flight Priorities into State Agency Operational Plans: Development of a Management System for Wetland Passerines .   In: Ralph, C. John; Rich, Terrell D., editors 2005. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California, Volume 1 Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Albany, CA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: p. 213-218.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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