US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Characteristics of people who start fires...

Author: Christiansen, John R.; Folkman, William S.

Date: 1971

Source: Res. Note PSW-RN-251. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p

Station ID: RN-PSW-251

Description: Recreationists or city dwellers are usually most often thought of as being responsible for starting forest fires. But a limited study showed that fire starters were more apt to be people who lived near and worked on the National Forests. They were relatively young and undereducated, and had "good reputations" in their communities. Employers held responsible for forest fires started by their employees most often had multiple fire violations, but "good reputations" in their communities. These and other characteristics of fire-starters were identified by analyzing 165 Fire Trespass Reports from the Forest Service's California and Intermountain Regions.

Key Words: fire starters; social characteristics; California Region; Intermountain Region

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Christiansen, John R.; Folkman, William S.  1971.  Characteristics of people who start fires...  Res. Note PSW-RN-251. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 6 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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