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Publication Information

Title: A method for locating potential tree-planting sites in urban areas: a case study of Los Angeles, USA

Author: Wua, Chunxia; Xiaoa,Qingfu; McPherson, Gregory E.

Date: 2008

Source: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 7 (2008) 65–76

Description: A GIS-based method for locating potential tree-planting sites based on land cover data is introduced. Criteria were developed to identify locations that are spatially available for potential tree planting based on land cover, sufficient distance from impervious surfaces, a minimum amount of pervious surface, and no crown overlap with other trees. In an ArcGIS environment, a computer program was developed to iteratively search, test, and locate potential tree-planting sites by virtually planting large, medium and small trees on plantable areas, with large trees given priority as more benefits are expected to accrue to them. A study in Los Angeles, USA found 2.2 million potential planting sites, approximately 109.3km2 of potential tree canopy cover.

Keywords: GIS, Land cover, Potential tree planting, Quickbird image, Tree canopy cover, Urban forest

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Wua, Chunxia; Xiaoa,Qingfu; McPherson, Gregory E.   2008.  A method for locating potential tree-planting sites in urban areas: a case study of Los Angeles, USA.   Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 7 (2008) 65–76.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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