US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Comparative toxicity of insecticides to Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Torticidae)

Author: Robertson, Jacqueline L., Gillette, Nancy L., Lucas, Barbara A., Russell, Robert M., Savin, N.E.

Date: 1978

Source: Can. Ent. 110: 399-406

Description: Selected carbamate, chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphorous, and pyrethroid insecticides were tested on six Choristoneura species: conflictana(Walker), fumiferana (Clemens), lambertiana ponderosana Obraztsov, occidentalis Freeman, pinus Freeman, and viridis Freeman. When probit regression lines were compared by likelihood ratio test, the hypotheis of equality was uniformly rejected. The hypothesis of equality was uniformaly rejected. The hypothesis of parallelism was accepted for some chemicals within each insecticide class except the chlorinated hydrocarbon. These results suggest that extrapolating the response of one species to another species should be avoided.


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Robertson, Jacqueline L., Gillette, Nancy L., Lucas, Barbara A., Russell, Robert M., Savin, N.E.  1978.  Comparative toxicity of insecticides to Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Torticidae).   Can. Ent. 110: 399-406.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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