US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Individual Legacy Trees Influence Vertebrate Wildlife Diversity in Commercial Forests

Author: Mazurek, M.J.; Zielinski, William J.

Date: 2007

Source: In: Standiford, Richard B.; Giusti, Gregory A.; Valachovic, Yana; Zielinski, William J.; Furniss, Michael J., technical editors. 2007. Proceedings of the redwood region forest science symposium: What does the future hold? Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-194. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; p. 237-240

Station ID: GTR-PSW-194


Key Words: basal hollows, bats, small mammals, and birds, biodiversity, biological legacy, forest management, legacy tree, managed forests, northwestern California, redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, wildlife communities

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Mazurek, M.J.; Zielinski, William J.  2007.  Individual Legacy Trees Influence Vertebrate Wildlife Diversity in Commercial Forests  In: Standiford, Richard B.; Giusti, Gregory A.; Valachovic, Yana; Zielinski, William J.; Furniss, Michael J., technical editors. 2007. Proceedings of the redwood region forest science symposium: What does the future hold? Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-194. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; p. 237-240 .

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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