US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Title: Proceedings of the Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium: what does the future hold?

Author: Standiford, Richard B.; Giusti, Gregory A.; Valachovic, Yana; Zielinski, William J., Furniss, Michael J., technical editors

Date: 2007

Source: PSW-GTR-194. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 553 p

Station ID: GTR-PSW-194

Description: Policies and strategies that guide use and management of lands in the coastal ecoregion are dependent on objective scientific information. In recent years attention to this region has increased. Correspondingly, there has been much new information collected. Efforts such as the Caspar Creek Watershed Conference and the Scientific Basis for the Prediction of Cumulative Watershed Effects illustrate both the great interest and effort that is devoted to collecting and using scientific information to support resource and land management in this region. Each year the array of decisions that affects lands and natural resources in the redwood region carry more weight; evidence the recent interest in TMDLs, watershed assessment and fish and wildlife recovery efforts. How do we, therefore, promote the development and communication of scientific findings to inform management and policy decisions?

No single meeting or institution is capable of providing thorough coverage of current scientific findings and insights. It is the intent of the organizing committee to provide a sampling of current scientific work, to enable access to more detail and other sources of information, and to put these findings into a context where such information can be synthesized and interpreted for applications in land and resource management.

This symposium is intended to promote the dissemination of scientific evidence to managers, policymakers, other scientists and interested public, and, in turn, to inform policy decisions. Thus, the presentations will range from the discussion of recently gathered scientific knowledge to the integration of that knowledge into planning and management processes and tools. We support the many other efforts intended to achieve these and similar goals and acknowledge the need to coordinate all such efforts.

Keywords: redwood region science symposium, redwood region, redwood ecology, redwood silviculture, redwood genetics, aquatic ecology, water quality, forest policy, TMDLs (total maximum daily loads), watershed assessment, fish and wildlife recovery

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Standiford, Richard B.; Giusti, Gregory A.; Valachovic, Yana; Zielinski, William J., Furniss, Michael J., technical editors  2007.  Proceedings of the Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium: what does the future hold?.   PSW-GTR-194. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 553 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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