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Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: On the ecological role of salamanders

Author: Davic, Robert D.; Welsh Jr., Hartwell H.

Date: 2004

Source: Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., Vol. 35: 405-434

Description: Salamanders are cryptic and, though largely unrecognized as such, extremely abundant vertebrates in a variety of primarily forest and grassland environments, where they regulate food webs and contribute to ecosystem resilience-resistance (= stability) in several ways: (a) As mid-level vertebrate predators, they provide direct and indirect biotic control of species diversity and ecosystem processes along grazer and detritus pathways; (b) via their migrations, they connect energy and matter between aquatic and terrestrial landscapes; (c) through association with underground burrow systems, they contribute to soil dynamics; and (d) they supply high-quality and slowly available stores of energy and nutrients for tertiary consumers throughout ecological succession. Salamanders also can provide an important service to humans through their use as cost-effective and readily quantifiable metrics of ecosystem health and integrity. The diverse ecological roles of salamanders in natural areas underscore the importance of their conservation.

Keywords: amphibians, forested ecosystems, detritus-litter, succession, keystone species

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Davic, Robert D.; Welsh Jr., Hartwell H.  2004.  On the ecological role of salamanders.   Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., Vol. 35: 405-434.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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