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Pacific Southwest


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Title: Natural areas and urban populations: communication and environmental education challenges and actions in outdoor recreation

Author: Chavez, Deborah J.

Date: 2005

Source: Journal of Forestry 103(8):407-410

Description: Challenges, opportunities, and actions exist in areas where large urban populations interface with natural areas, such as outdoor recreation sites in southern California. Challenges in the interface include intense recreation use, public safety issues, and complex information strategies. Research results on communications and environmental education offer opportunities to address information challenges. Actions taken include the use of Eco-Teams (delivers environmental messages), a forest information van (delivers information of interest to visitors), and Hawkins Natural Park in South Central Los Angeles (delivers environmental education). Each exemplifies well-planned ways to address interface issues.

Keywords: Communication, environmental education, interface, Latinos, urbanization

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Chavez, Deborah J.  2005.  Natural areas and urban populations: communication and environmental education challenges and actions in outdoor recreation.   Journal of Forestry 103(8):407-410.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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