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Publication Information

Title: Seedling architechture and life history evolution in pines

Author: Strauss, Steven H.; Ledig, F. Thomas

Date: 1985

Source: The American Naturalist 125(5):702-715

Description: Much of the work on life history evolution in plants has dealt with allocation of reproductive effort (Abrahamson 1975; Abrahamson and Gadgil 1973; Gaines et al. 1974; McNaughton 1975; Oka 1976; Stearns 1976, 1977, 1980; Newel1 and Tramer 1978; Primack 1979). The juvenile period, however, occupies a major and critical portion of the life cycle of many species. Allocation of growth among vegetative organs during the juvenile period may place constraints on later development. The work of Marks (1975) and others (Troughton 1960; Monk 1966; Harper 1977; Pitelka 1977; Abrahamson 1979) suggested that species with short life spans make a greater investment in shoot biomass than do long-lived species. Preferential investment in shoot biomass is thought to permit a faster rate of development, but to sacrifice the capacity to withstand competition.


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Strauss, Steven H.; Ledig, F. Thomas  1985.  Seedling architechture and life history evolution in pines.   The American Naturalist 125(5):702-715.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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