US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Title: The San Dimas experimental forest: 50 years of research

Author: Dunn, Paul H.; Barro, Susan C.; Wells, Wade G., II; Poth, Mark A,; Wohlgemuth, Peter M.; Colver, Charles G.

Date: 1988

Source: General Technical Report PSW-104. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 49 p

Station ID: GTR-PSW-104

Description: The San Dimas Experimental Forest serves as a field laboratory for studies of chaparral and related ecosystems, and has been recognized by national and international organizations. It covers 6,945 ha (17,153 acres) in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains northeast of Los Angeles, and has a typical Mediterranean-type climate. The Forest encompasses the San Dimas and Big Dalton watersheds, which have vegetation typical of southern California, are separated by deep canyons from the rest of the San Gabriel Mountains, have small tributaries suitable for study, and are harnessed by flood control dams. Unique physical features and a broad database covering over 50 years of research make the Forest an irreplaceable resource. Over the years data has been collected on water (precipitation, streamflow, etc.), soils and slope stability, effects of fire, vegetation management, chaparral ecology and physiology, vegetation classification, litter decomposition, and community structure of fauna. On-going studies include these: investigations into erosion processes; sediment movement in streams; particle size shifts with burning; air pollution impacts on vegetation, soil and water; denitrification in streams and nitrogen fixation; regeneration of oaks, postfire vegetation composition changes, dynamics of seed populations in soil; long term changes in site quality including Ceanothus dieback; and wildlife interactions.

Keywords: San Dimas Experimental Forest, chaparral research, watershed monitor- ing, flora, fauna, mosses, hydrology, physiography

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Dunn, Paul H.; Barro, Susan C.; Wells, Wade G., II; Poth, Mark A,; Wohlgemuth, Peter M.; Colver, Charles G.  1988.  The San Dimas experimental forest: 50 years of research.   General Technical Report PSW-104. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 49 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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