US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Fifty years of forestry research: annotated bibliography of the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1926-1975

Author: Aitro, Vincent P.

Date: 1977

Source: USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-023, 250 p.

Station ID: GTR-PSW-023

Description: Lists 2905 publications, with annotations and subject and author indexes, issued during the first 50 years of the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (formerly the California Forest and Range Experiment Station), headquartered at Berkeley, California.

Key Words: Forest management research, forest insect and diseases research, forest fire research, forest environment research, forest economics and forest products research, management sciences research, California, Hawaii, California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station

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Aitro, Vincent P.  1977.  Fifty years of forestry research: annotated bibliography of the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1926-1975  USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-023, 250 p..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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