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Publication Information

Title: Building Connections among Lands, People and Communities: A Case Study of Benefits-Based Management Plan Development for the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area

Author: Knopf, Richard C.; Andereck, Kathleen L.; Tucker, Karen; Bottomly, Bill; Virden, Randy J.

Date: 2004

Source: Building Connections among Lands, People and Communities: A Case Study of Benefits-Based Management Plan Development for the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 170-179

Description: Purpose of Study This paper demonstrates how a Benefits-Based Management paradigm has been useful in guiding management plan development for an internationally significant natural resource – the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area (GGNCA) in Colorado. Through a program of survey research, a database on benefits desired by various stakeholder groups was created. It was utilized to assist in describing the current state of production of the GGNCA for recreation experiences, and as a basis for articulating the likely results of different planning scenarios for the resource. As a case example of the application of a Benefits-Based Management paradigm to recreation land use planning, we trace the conceptual flow between science and application as a collaborative planning process sought to articulate land use consequences and performance indicators for a public scoping process. Our ambition is to demonstrate the power of the benefits-based paradigm in successfully engaging the citizenry in vision-setting for significant natural resources, and communicating the results of complex land management decisions to stakeholders.

Keywords: ggnca, gunnison gorge national conservation area, benefits-based management

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Knopf, Richard C.; Andereck, Kathleen L.; Tucker, Karen; Bottomly, Bill; Virden, Randy J.  2004.  Building Connections among Lands, People and Communities: A Case Study of Benefits-Based Management Plan Development for the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area.   Building Connections among Lands, People and Communities: A Case Study of Benefits-Based Management Plan Development for the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 170-179.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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