US Forest Service

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Author: Laudenslayer, William F.

Date: 1991

Source: Proceedings of the Symposium on Biodiversity of Northwestern California, October 28-30,1991, Santa Rosa, CA USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Lab, 2081. East Siena Avenue, Fresno, CA 9371

Description: Abstrxt The environment of the earth is exceedingly complex and variable. Indicator species are used to reduce thaf complexity and variability to a level that can be more emily understood. In recent years, use of indicators has increased dramatically. For the Forest Service, as an example, regulations that interpret the National Forest Management Act require the use of indicdor species for monitoring the effects of management actions. Although indicators have been in use for a reldvely long period of time and such use is increasing, there are a number of problems associated with (he use of indicators rhal need to be examined. These problems include selection criteria [ha! preclude selection of useful indicators; lack of knowledge about whal environmental characteristics, if any, [hey indicate; and selection of single indicators to monitor complex problem. Given the problems associated with the application of the environmental indicator concept, do indicators have a role to play in [he management of forests and other system? Use of indicafors can substantially reduce the complexiry and costs of col[ecting information and monitoring. They also reduce the complexity of environmental issues to a level that can be more easily understood by resource decision-makers and the general public.


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Laudenslayer, William F.   1991.  ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY AND INDICATORS: A FEW OBSERVATIONS.   Proceedings of the Symposium on Biodiversity of Northwestern California, October 28-30,1991, Santa Rosa, CA USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Lab, 2081. East Siena Avenue, Fresno, CA 9371.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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