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Soil Data Access Web Service Help

The following Soil Data Access web services are available: The current Soil Data Access WMS service supports OGC WMS version 1.1.1 requests while the current Soil Data Access WFS services support OGC WFS version 1.0.0 (GML2) requests.

The current Soil Data Access WMS service is supported by the following ArcGIS Desktop versions:
  • ArcGIS 9.2
  • ArcGIS 9.1
  • ArcGIS 8.3 with the free OGC Add-On
The current Soil Data Access WFS services are supported by the following ArcGIS Desktop versions:
  • ArcGIS 9.2 with a licensed Data Interoperability extension
  • ArcGIS 9.1 with a licensed Data Interoperability extension
  • ArcGIS 8.3 with the free OGC Add-On
For other products that support the current Soil Data Access web map service or web feature services, please visit and select specification "Web Map Service v.1.1.1" or "Web Feature Service v.1.0", respectively. For instructions for integrating the Soil Data Access web services into your GIS or other related product, please refer to your vendor's documentation.

The following conventions are used when describing all web service method input parameters:
 {} = required parameter
 [] = optional parameter
 | = ‘or’
 <label> ::= variable or definition block
 parameter names and values are case insensitive

Web Services [WSDL] Back to Top
This service provides access to tabular data contained within the Soil Data Mart database.

Methods: RunQuery [WSDL] Back to Top
This service returns features in NAD83 Geographic (EPSG 4269) coordinates. Input parameters for the GetFeature method include one or more spatial filters and the name of the feature type or layer that should be returned. The volume of information that can be returned by a GetFeature request is constrained by limiting the extent of any input spatial filter.

Methods: GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetFeature [WSDL] Back to Top
This service returns features in WGS84 Geographic (EPSG 4326) coordinates. Input parameters for the GetFeature method include one or more spatial filters and the name of the feature type layer that should be returned. The volume of information that can be returned by a GetFeature request is constrained by limiting the extent of any input spatial filter.

Methods: GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetFeature [WSDL] Back to Top
This service returns features projected into NAD83 UTM coordinates. Input parameters for the GetFeature method include UTM zone (EPSG codes 26903 through 26920), one or more spatial filters and the name of the feature type or layer that should be returned. The volume of information that can be returned by a GetFeature request is constrained by limiting the extent of any input spatial filter.

Methods: GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetFeature [WSDL] Back to Top
This service returns map images in common image formats such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, and others. Input parameters for the GetMap method include projection, image width and height in pixels, a single bounding box spatial filter, the names of the feature types or layers that should be returned and image format. The volume of information that can be returned by a GetMap request is constrained by limiting the extent of the input spatial filter.

Methods: GetCapabilities, DescribeLayer, GetFeatureInfo, GetMap

To add this service to ArcMap: Click "Add Data", then "GIS Servers", then "Add WMS Server". For the URL, type the web service URL without any query string parameters, such as Click OK. Click Add. Select the Soil Data Mart Data Access Web Map Service. Click Add. The layers have maximum and minimum scale thresholds for visibility so you may need to zoom in to see a map.

Web Service Methods
RunQuery Back to Top
This method returns the output for one or more SQL Select statements or a single ADO Shape command that is executed against the Soil Data Mart database. The output is returned in XML format, which can be transformed into a Microsoft .Net Framework DataSet if you should so desire. This method can throw the following exceptions: "The Soil Data Mart is down." and exceptions that begin with "Invalid query", "Server error", "Your immediate query timed out", or "Memory limit". All supporting documentation for creating queries to be executed against the Soil Data Mart database is available on the Query Help page. An interface for testing this method can be found on the Query page.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ Query }either an SQL script that includes one or more Select statements or a single Shape command

Sample URL:
This method cannot be invoked by a URL submitted via a web browser.

GetCapabilities Back to Top
This method returns information about the corresponding web service. This information includes supported methods, supported feature types or layers, supported spatial filters and supported projection(s).

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WFS | WMS }corresponding OGC service type
[ VERSION=1.0.0 ]OGC version number when SERVICE=WFS (default = 1.0.0)
[ VERSION=1.1.1 ]OGC version number when SERVICE=WMS (default = 1.1.1)
{ REQUEST=GetCapabilities }method name

Sample URL:

DescribeFeatureType Back to Top
This method returns information about the feature types or layers supported by the corresponding web service. This information includes geometry type, attribute names and data types.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WFS }OCG service type
{ VERSION=1.0.0 }OCG version number
{ REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType }method name
[ TYPENAME=<layer name> ]feature type or layer name (default = all feature types or layers)

Sample URL:

GetFeature Back to Top
This method returns a feature collection for a single feature type or layer, for a user specified area of interest.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WFS }OGC service type
{ VERSION=1.0.0 }OGC version number
{ REQUEST=GetFeature }method name
{ TYPENAME=<layer name> }feature type or layer name
{ <spatial filter> }spatial filter(s) in the appropriate spatial reference system
{ SRSNAME=<UTM zone EPSG projection code> }This is the EPSG code of the UTM zone to which coordinates should be re-projected. This parameter is required only for service SDMNAD83UTM.
[ OUTPUTFORMAT=GML2 | GML3 | XMLMukeyList ]output format (default = GML2)
[ MAXFEATURES=<integer> ]maximum number of features to be returned (default = all features satisfying all filter criteria)

<spatial filter> ::= { BBOX=<bounding box coordinates> | FILTER=<GML filter spec> | FEATUREID=<feature id> }

Sample URL: &TYPENAME=MapunitPoly&FILTER=<Filter><BBOX><PropertyName>Geometry</PropertyName> <Box srsName='EPSG:4236'><coordinates>-121.77100,37.368402 -121.76000,37.373473</coordinates> </Box></BBOX></Filter>&SRSNAME=EPSG:26910&OUTPUTFORMAT=GML2

DescribeLayer Back to Top
This method exists to support user-defined styles by describing WMS named layers. If a named layer is not feature based, then the Layer Description is empty. However if the named layer is feature based, then the “WFS” attribute gives the URL prefix for the WFS containing the feature data.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WMS }OGC service type
{ VERSION=1.1.1 }OGC version number
{ REQUEST=DescribeLayer }method name
{ LAYERS=<layer name list> }feature type or layer name(s)

<layer name list> ::= { <layer name> [ ,...n ] }

Sample URL:,MapunitPoly

GetFeatureInfo Back to Top
This method returns information about particular features shown on a map. It allows a client to request information about features on a map by adding to the map URL additional parameters specifying a location (as an X, Y offset from the upper left corner) and the number of nearby features about which to return information. A Layer is said to be “queryable” if the server supports the GetFeatureInfo operation on that Layer. A server may support GetFeatureInfo on some of its layers but not on all. The GetCapabilities request reports which layers, if any, are queryable.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WMS }OGC service type
{ VERSION=1.1.1 }OGC version number
{ REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo }method name
{ QUERY_LAYERS=<layer name list> }This is the map layer(s) for which feature information should be retrieved. Its value is a comma-separated list of one or more map layers. This parameter must contain at least one layer name, but may contain fewer layers than the original GetMap request.
{ <map_request_copy> }partial copy of the request parameters that generated the map for which information is desired
{ X=pixel_column }X coordinate in pixels of feature (measured from upper left corner=0)
{ Y=pixel_row }Y coordinate in pixels of feature (measured from upper left corner=0)
{ LAYERS=<layer name list> }feature type or layer name(s)
[ INFO_FORMAT=text/html | text/plain | gml2]return format of feature information (MIME type) (default = text/plain)
[ FEATURE_COUNT=<integer> ]This is the maximum number of features for which feature information should be returned. Its value must be a positive integer greater than zero (default = 1).
[ EXCEPTIONS=Application/VND.OGC.SE_XML ]format in which exceptions are to be reported (default = Application/VND.OGC.SE_XML)

<layer name list> ::= { <layer name> [ ,...n ] }

<map_request_copy> ::= This is not a name/value pair like the other parameters. Instead, most of the GetMap request parameters that generated the original map are repeated. Two are omitted because GetFeatureInfo provides its own values for VERSION and REQUEST. The remainder of the GetMap request shall be embedded contiguously in the GetFeatureInfo request.

Sample URL: &&QUERY_LAYERS=SurveyAreaPoly&X=260&Y=253&LAYERS=SurveyAreaPoly&INFO_FORMAT=text/html &FEATURE_COUNT=50&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326 &BBOX=-108.16419080996,38.758063028388,-108.134685494042,38.7801920153271&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=450

GetMap Back to Top
This method returns a rectangular map graphic for one or more supported feature types or layers, for a user specified area of interest. The layers returned by this method have map scale thresholds. Map unit features are not displayed unless map scale is in the range 1:0 to 1:75,000. Survey area features are not displayed unless map scale is in the range 1:100 to 1:5,000,000.

Web services for which this method is supported:

Input parameters:
Input ParameterDescription
{ SERVICE=WMS }OGC service type
{ VERSION=1.1.1 }OGC version number
{ REQUEST=GetMap }method name
{ LAYERS=<layer name list> }feature type or layer name(s)
{ STYLES=<style list> }comma-separated list of one rendering style per requested layer
{ SRS=<EPSG projection code> }EPSG spatial reference system code for output map projection
{ BBOX=<bounding box coordinates> }bounding box corners (lower left, upper right) in the appropriate spatial reference system
{ WIDTH=<integer> }map image width in pixels
{ HEIGHT=<integer> }map image height in pixels
[ FORMAT=image/gif | image/png | image/jpeg ]format of the output map image (default = image/gif)
[ TRANSPARENT=TRUE | FALSE ]background map image transparency (default = False)
[ BGCOLOR=<color_value> ]hexadecimal red-green-blue color value for the background map image color (default=0xFFFFFF)
[ EXCEPTIONS=Application/VND.OGC.SE_XML ]format in which exceptions are to be reported (default = Application/VND.OGC.SE_XML)

<layer name list> ::= { <layer name> [ ,...n ] }

<style list> ::= This is a comma-separated list of one rendering style per requested layer. A client may request the default style using a null value (as in “STYLES=”). At this time, no styles other than a default style are supported because the “styles” that we support are currently implemented as layers (surveyareapolytransparent and surveyareapolyoutline) rather than styles. We do anticipate converting those layers to styles at some point.

Sample URL: &REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=SurveyAreaPoly,MapunitPoly&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326 &BBOX=-102.65253,38.18368,-102.59682,38.21139&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=400 &FORMAT=image/gif&EXCEPTIONS=Application/VND.OGC.SE_XML

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