Southern Research Station Headquarters - Asheville, NC
Main Logo of Southern Research Station, Stating: Southern Research Station - Asheville, NC, with a saying of 'Science you can use!'
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Kier Klepzig, Assistant Director | Southern Research Station | 200 W.T. Weaver Blvd | Asheville, NC 28804

Forest Threats

Kier Klepzig, Assistant Director - Forest ThreatsAudio Welcome (mp3)

Welcome to the Threats to Forest Health science area Web page.

I'm Kier Klepzig, Assistant Director for Research at the Southern Research Station.

In the South, our forests are threatened by a multitude of disturbances from insect pests, to invasive plants, from diseases to catastrophic wildfires, from drought to development and urban sprawl, and from severe storms to climate change.

The effects of these forces can be severe, causing significant short- and long-term ecological, social, and economic damage.   more...

The mission of the Threats to Forest Health science area is to better understand these interacting factors. We work to apply scientific knowledge to predict, detect, assess, prevent, manage and mitigate the multiple threats to the public and private forests of the South and beyond.

The Forest Threats science area consists of three work units:

  • The Center for Forest Disturbance Science unit;
  • The Insects, Diseases and Invasive Plants of Southern Forests unit; and
  • The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center.

Researchers in these units are talented, well respected scientists. They are experts in complex fields who, in partnership with university, state and federal scientists, are actively engaged in research aimed at:

  • Predicting, and reducing, the likelihood of disturbances and their effects on multiple forest values;
  • Improving the tracking of disturbances over time and space;
  • Understanding the biology and ecology of threats to forest health, and
  • Improving the tools we have to effectively manage and control the multiple threats facing our forests.

They support the Southern Research Station’s overall mission to create the science and technology needed to sustain and enhance southern forest ecosystems and the benefits they provide.

Forest Threats
Forest Threats
. Forest ecosystems in the South are facing increased threats from factors such as invasive plants and animals, native insects and disease, wildfire, climate change, urbanization and forest fragmentation. Threats to Forest Health will provide the knowledge and tools required to predict and avert or mitigate the impacts of forest health threats. Complete Charter...


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Map of Science Area: Forest Threats
    (click to enlarge)

Click to enlarge map