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Title: Analyzing the feasibility of utilizing small diameter hardwood timber for solid wood products and residues
Author(s): Perkins, Brian; Smith, Bob; Araman, Philip
Date: 2008
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-111. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 6 p.
Station ID: GTR-SRS-111
Description: The eastern hardwood forest contains small diameter timber that is often of lower quality and lower value than larger sawtimber. This small diameter hardwood timber has traditionally been utilized for pulpwood, but it can also be used for lumber and residue production. In order to increase the utilization of this resource by sawmills, a number of analyses need to be conducted. These analyses include a resource analysis, yield analysis, economic analysis, and finally a market analysis. This report gives detailed instructions for conducting each of these analyses. The successful completion of these analyses will help hardwood lumber companies determine if using small diameter hardwood timber is a good decision for their company.
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