Hear from our transportation clients and teammates

Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC

England, Thims & Miller, Inc., Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Electric Authority, Jacksonville, FL

St. Johns County Real Estate Division, St. Augustine, FL


Just as physical trainers will tell you that to build a strong body you must build your core, to build a strong team you must build your core foundation-consisting of your people and team. The power comes from the inside and then it extends outward.  Without a strong core you’ll have weak energy, weak performance and weak results.
– Jon Gordon, Author of the Energy Bus

News and Events
Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) awarded the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Award for workplace flexibility and effectiveness at an event hosted by Savannah Chamber of Commerce.
March 12-13, 2009
Janice McMahon and Steve Jones will be speaking at Virginia Tech’s Ecosystem Services:  Marketing Environmental Services conference in Charlottesville, VA.  Dr. Jones will be presenting on Stream and Wetland Mitigation Banking.  Ms. McMahon will be presenting on Carbon Transactions on the Private Side. 
February 19-20, 2009
Janice McMahon will be presenting at Georgia Wetlands and Water Law Updated, hosted by The Law Seminar.  Ms. McMahon’s topic will discuss Effects of Global Climate Change (Species; Habitat; Rising Tides; Changes in Salinity; Changes in Forest Habitat).
February 12, 2009
Janice McMahon will be presenting at a Carbon Credits Conference in Seattle.  This event is hosted by The Seminar Group.  More information will be coming shortly.

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Environmental Services

ESI is “Shovel Ready”

The House and Senate have passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, expected to be signed into legislation by President Obama this week. What now?

The compromised $787B apportioned in the Economic Stimulus bill will be appropriated in the next 21 days to each state. After the 21 day period, states will have 120 days to obligate the first half of the funds and one year to obligate the rest. Act now by building a winning team to facilitate the completion of “shovel ready” infrastructure and transportation projects that will immediately benefit from this stimulus.

ESI has built a team of transportation and infrastructure support specialists in the environmental arena across our key Divisions.

Click here for examples of ESI infrastructure and transportation successes.

Click here for a PDF list of ESI’s transportation portfolio.

You’re only as good as the organizations you align yourself with and
the team you build.

To join forces with ESI, click here to contact us for more information. 

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Environmental issues are critical considerations in land use planning.

Purchasing, developing, selling or simply altering land may trigger a series of federal, state or local environmental land-use rules and regulations. These multi-layered government processes are often frustrating and time consuming for everyone involved. 

During the past 23 years Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) has developed a successful track record of diligently working on behalf of our clients to resolve even the most difficult environmental land-use issues. We offer a full-service environmental consulting suite along with seasoned professional staff who have the ability to work with clients from project conception to completion. 

Client Advocacy: 

  • ESI evaluates potential for maximum property usage
  • Defines environmental constraints
  • Provides solutions and/or alternatives for those constraints
  • Assists in planning and permitting
  • Maximizes property usage and value

To speak with one of our experts, please e-mail info@esinc.cc

Green News

Environmental ConsultantsMiami, FL, January 18, 2008. Tony Blair (former British Prime Minister and founder of The Climate Group) and Governor Charlie Crist, spoke at an invitation-only breakfast to industry leaders on the topic of Advancing Global Solutions on Climate Change. ESI owner, Rhodes Robinson, and Senior Project Manager, Shawn McMahon, attended the event at the Ritz Carlton South Beach resort. The breakfast was hosted by The Climate Group to create an opportunity for Governor Crist and Blair to reaffirm their commitment to reducing greenhouse gasses. Ultimately, the breakfast was geared at connecting those involved with establishing GHG markets in Florida.

January 21, 2008
Avington Park - an ESI Project
Central Florida's First Luxury GREEN Community

Georgia Carbon Registry
Read More About Carbon Registry >>

An ESI Green Partner 


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