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What Is Birding?

Cedar Waxwing

Birding is more than just watching birds or feeding them occasionally. It is a complex hobby that is great exercise, environmentally friendly, inexpensive and popular with many other activities, including photography, gardening, travel and more.

More Birding Basics

Melissa's Birding / Wild Birds Blog

Bird of the Week: Peregrine Falcon

Wednesday March 4, 2009
As one of the most widespread birds in the world, this week’s featured bird – the peregrine falcon – is familiar to many people. Though it was nearly driven extinct in North America through DDT poisoning in the 1960s and 1970s, conservation efforts have helped restore peregrine falcon populations and today these birds are even found nesting on tall buildings in urban areas. Many cities have hidden falcon cams set up during breeding season, giving every birder a great view of a great bird.

Are peregrine falcons found near you? Share your sightings in the comments!

Peregrine Falcon
Photo © Rebecca K. O’Connor

Birdfeeding on a Budget

Tuesday March 3, 2009
The Associated Press has reported a dramatic increase in the cost of nyger seed, one of the most popular seeds for finches and other backyard birds. Nyger seed is primarily imported and there are currently trade issues between India and Ethiopia, two of the most prolific nyger producing countries in the world.

Backyard birders don’t need to fear, however, because there are many ways to save money on birdseed. From adjusting the types of seed to offering alternatives to choosing better feeders, you can keep feeding your birds without breaking the bank.

What tips do you have for saving money on birdseed? Share your techniques in the comments!

Birdseed Mix
Photo © Melissa Mayntz

Be a Twit

Monday March 2, 2009
Now I’m a birding twit officially, and you can get all the latest birding news, blog updates, new articles and more on Twitter. Just as birds seem to have short attention spans as they argue over food, flit from bush to bush and tweet their way through life, this micro-blogging platform is a quick way to stay connected to the birding world. My handle is AboutBirdies, and you'll find all things bird-related there, including new sites, reminders, tips and more.

Follow me today, and we can flock together!

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Graphic © Smashing Magazine

Plentiful Pine Siskins

Sunday March 1, 2009
If your feeders have been frequented by more pine siskins than normal this winter, you’re not alone. Pine siskins are experiencing a biennial irruption, which brings dramatically increased populations to many birders’ backyards.

All of my feeders are populated by siskins on a daily basis. They flutter around the tube feeders, aggressively guard the platform feeders and gorge themselves at the hopper feeder. While some birders may not appreciate these small, aggressive birds usurping so much seed, I find them fascinating to watch as they threaten interlopers and frantically feast on black oil sunflower seeds and niger seed.

Are pine siskins more prominent at your feeders this winter? Learn about the irruption with information from Project FeederWatch, or share your experiences in the comments!

Pine Siskins at Sock Feeders
Photo © Will Sweet


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