Welcome to the Journal of Extension

The Journal of Extension (JOE) expands and updates the research and knowledge base for U.S. Extension professionals and other outreach educators to improve their effectiveness. JOE also serves as a forum for emerging and contemporary issues affecting U.S. Cooperative Extension education.

JOE is a refereed journal. Feature, Research in Brief, and Ideas at Work submissions undergo double-blind review, and Commentary and Tools of the Trade submissions are reviewed by the editor, Dr. Laura Hoelscher.

The acceptance rate for articles submitted to JOE is currently 32.4%.

For more information about JOE, consult the JOE FAQ's. For more information about writing for JOE, consult the JOE Submission Guidelines and Help for JOE Authors.

Journal Content

The Journal of Extension

Guidelines & Information

Guidelines and Information

About JOE

About the Journal of Extension