United States Department of Agriculture
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NSSC Soil Survey Laboratory Soil Characterization Data
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Data Usage

The National Soil Survey Center - Soil Survey Laboratory is pleased to make available pedon data from analyses for soil characterization and research within the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Less than complete characterization data are available for many pedons because only selected measurements were planned. The repository contains completed project information of the Soils Survey Laboratory. Information is provided as NRCS-SOI-8 forms and returned to NSSC-SSL, laboratory analyses are completed, suspect measurements are identified and rerun, and errors are found and corrected. The database includes pedons that represent the central concept of a soil series, pedons that represent the central concept of a map unit but not of a series, and pedons sampled to bracket a range of properties within a series or landscape. For research purposes, all such data are retained in the database. Users unfamiliar with a given soil may want to consult a soil scientist to determine how well a given pedon represents its soil series.

For personal assistance by an experienced laboratory soil scientist phone: 402-437-5016

Analytical procedures and methods of soil preparation are identified by methods codes in the column headings of the standard NSSC data sheets and are described in SSIR No. 42. Some of the data for some pedons were obtained by cooperating NCSS laboratories. Strict quality control measures were applied in the analytical procedures but NSSC does not warrant that the data are error free or that the measurements in all cases are within the applicability range of the laboratory methods. For example, dispersion of clay in some soils (e.g., Soils derived from volcanic materials, or high in Fe oxides, gypsum, carbonates, or other cementing materials) is incomplete by the standard method used by the SSL laboratory for determining particle size distribution, determinations of clay minerals by x-ray diffraction are relative, and measurements of very high or very low quantities by any method are not very precise. Other measurements have limitations in some kinds of soils. Such data are retained in the database for research purposes. For detailed information on SSL methods (e.g., procedures, interferences), refer to web site: Soil Survey Investigation Report 42 Information on the applications of laboratory data, reference web site: Soil Survey Investigation Report 45

You are most WELCOME to use the database, but you should be aware that the assessment of the accuracy and applicability is strictly a USER RESPONSIBILITY and the NRCS and NCSS take no responsibility for problems that arise from use of this database.

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How to Cite the Soil Characterization Database

Those who use these data should cite:

Soil Survey Staff 2009
National Soil Survey Characterization Data
Soil Survey Laboratory
National Soil Survey Center
USDA-NRCS - Lincoln, NE.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

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