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Supplemental Documents Available for Soil Data Viewer

The primary source of help for Soil Data Viewer is the Soil Data Viewer Online User Guide. The user guide can be opened from any page in this site by clicking the link titled “Browse the Soil Data Viewer Online User Guide” in the “I Want To” box.

This page includes a variety of documents that discuss processes related to the Soil Data Viewer application that aren’t covered in the User Guide.

All documents are in PDF format. A PDF viewer (such as Adobe® Reader® software) must be installed on your computer in order to view them.

Visit Adobe to download Adobe Reader.   Adobe® Reader® software can be downloaded for free by clicking the logo to the left.

If none of the information available here answers a question you have, please send an e-mail to the Soil Data Viewer support staff by clicking “Contact Us” in the menu bar of any page in this site.
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Permanently Saving Soil Data Viewer Thematic Map Layers (14K)Adobe PDF
This document describes a process for permanently saving the thematic map layers created during a Soil Data Viewer session.

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