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Natural Resources Conservation Service

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The Soil Data Mart web site can be integrated into your own web site.

The Soil Data Mart web site has an entry point which allows your web site to gain access to specific Soil Data Mart pages and, by using this entry point, to limit navigation within the integrated Soil Data Mart web site so that it makes sense with your web site. In addition, the Soil Data Mart web site's headers and footers will not appear whenever it is brought up in a frame within your web site, to hopefully allow it to look more like part of your own web site.

It is highly recommend that this entry point be used, rather than linking directly to a Soil Data Mart web page. Not only does it provide you with with optional navigation limiting and the hiding of our headers and footers within your frames, but it also prevents problems that can occur within the Soil Data Mart if it shares session variables between multiple Soil Data Mart sessions. Whenever your web site brings up new browser windows, there is a possibility that all applications started within those browser windows will all share the same session variables. One Soil Data Mart session may not operate properly if it is sharing session variables with another Soil Data Mart session. For this reason, the Soil Data Mart's entry point will only allow one Soil Data Mart session to be active at any given time. Whenever a new Soil Data Mart session is started from your web site using the entry point, that session will replace any active Soil Data Mart session that had previously been started from your web site using the entry point. The same browser window will be reused for the new session.

To use this entry point, simply set up a link to and specify the options you want as parameters to this URL. Please note that all embedded blanks within a parameter should be replaced with %20 in order to ensure compatibility with older browsers. The parameters are as follows:

  • Page - This parameter is required. It can be set to any one of the following:

    • Default - the Soil Data Mart home page.
    • State - the Soil Data Mart page that allows selection of a state or territory.
    • County - the Soil Data Mart page that allows selection of a county or parish.
    • Survey - the Soil Data Mart page that allows selection of a soil survey area.
    • Metadata - the Soil Data Mart page that displays the metadata for a soil survey area.
    • Download - the Soil Data Mart page that allows downloading soil survey area data.
    • Report - the Soil Data Mart page that allows generating reports for a soil survey area.
    • ReportViewer - a Soil Data Mart report will be generated and displayed for the given parameters.
    • Contacts - the Soil Data Mart page that lists all state soil information contact persons.
    • Templates - the Soil Data Mart page that allows downloading template Microsoft Access® databases.

  • State - This parameter is used both as a parameter for the page that is to be displayed, as well as for limiting navigation within the Soil Data Mart (if the Limit parameter is set). This parameter should be set to a FIPS alphabetic state code. The list of valid state codes can be seen at It is required if Page is set to County and is required if Page is set to Survey only if a County parameter is not specified. It is optional, but will be used, if Page is set to Metadata, Download, Report, Contacts, or Templates. It is ignored if Page is set to anything else.

  • County - This parameter is used both as a parameter for the page that is to be displayed, as well as for limiting navigation within the Soil Data Mart (if the Limit parameter is set). This parameter should be set to a FIPS county code preceded by a FIPS alphabetic state code. A list of valid county codes can be seen at, where the XX is replaced with the FIPS alphabetic state code in which the county is located. It is required if Page is set to Survey only if a State parameter is not specified. It is optional, but will be used, if Page is set to Metadata, Download, or Report. It is ignored if Page is set to anything else.

  • Survey - This parameter is used both as a parameter for the page that is to be displayed, as well as for limiting navigation within the Soil Data Mart (if the Limit parameter is set). This parameter should be set to a valid soil survey area symbol. It is required if Page is set to Metadata, Download, Report, or ReportViewer. It is ignored if Page is set to anything else.

  • Limit - This parameter is optional. Limitations are imposed by the most restrictive of the Survey, County, and/or State parameters that are supplied that make sense given the page that is to be displayed. This parameter can be set to any one of the following, where "Always" is the default:

    • Always - Navigation is always limited based on the given State, County, and/or Survey.
    • InFrameOnly - Navigation is limited based on the given State, County, and/or Survey only if displayed within a frame.
    • No - No limitations are imposed on navigation within the Soil Data Mart.

  • Report - This parameter is required if Page is set to ReportViewer and ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to the name of any report that can be selected from the dropdown list on the main Report page.

  • Mapunits - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can either be set to a ||-delimited list of mapunit symbols (all from the specified soil survey area) or to the keyword "All" (indicating that all mapunits from the specified soil survey area are to be included). "All" is the default.

  • Crops - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to a ||-delimited list of crops and their associated yield units to be included. The yield units for each crop must be specified with a :: after each crop. For example:


    Note that a maximum number of these crops will be used depending upon the report to be generated. If this maximum is exceeded, the remaining crops will be ignored.

  • TextKinds - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to a ||-delimited list of text kinds to be included. If a text category is to be considered with a text kind, it should be specified with a slash following the text kind. For example:


  • Counties - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to a ||-delimited list of county or parish symbols to be included. For example:


    Note that a maximum number of these counties will be used depending upon the report to be generated. If this maximum is exceeded, the remaining counties will be ignored.

  • Interps - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to a ||-delimited list of interpretations to be included. The column name on the report defaults to the name of the interpretation. If a different column name is desired (up to 80 characters long), it may be specified with a :: following the interpretation name. For example:


    Note that a maximum number of these interpretations will be used depending upon the report to be generated. If this maximum is exceeded, the remaining interpretations will be ignored.

  • NonTechCats - This parameter may be required depending upon the report to be generated if Page is set to ReportViewer. It will be ignored otherwise. This parameter can be set to a ||-delimited list of non-technical description categories to be included. For example:


  • Title - This parameter is optional. It is ignored if Page is set to anything other than ReportViewer. This parameter should be set to any custom title that you would like your report to use.

  • MinorSoils - This parameter is optional. It is ignored if Page is set to anything other than ReportViewer. This parameter can be set to any one of the following, where "No" is the default:

    • No - Minor soils should not be included in the report.
    • Yes - Minor soils should be included in the report.

  • Footnotes - This parameter is optional. It is ignored if Page is set to anything other than ReportViewer. This parameter can be set to any one of the following, where "No" is the default:

    • No - Footnotes should not be included at the end of the report.
    • Yes - Footnotes should be included at the end of the report.

  • Format - This parameter is optional. It is ignored if Page is set to anything other than ReportViewer. This parameter can be set to any one of the following, where "PDF" is the default:

    • PDF - The report should be generated in PDF format.
    • RTF - The report should be generated in RTF format.

An appropriate error will be displayed if any invalid parameters are specified.
Here are a couple of examples of links that might be set up using the Soil Data Mart entry point:

  • This link would bring up the Soil Data Mart's Survey page for Colorado. Navigational limits are to be imposed (ie. the user could only work with the data for Colorado) regardless of whether the page was brought up in a frame or in a new window:

  • This link would bring up the Soil Data Mart's Report page for soil survey area SSAxxx, displaying all national reports as well as all reports specific to California, with no navigational limits (ie. the user could then select another state, county, and or soil survey if they so chose):

  • This link would bring up the Soil Data Mart's Download page for soil survey area SSAxxx. If the user navigated to the Report page for this same soil survey area, it would display all national reports as well as all reports specific to Hawaii. Navigational limits are to be imposed (ie. the user could only work with the specified soil survey area) if the page was brought up in a frame. If the page was brought up in its own window, no navigational limits would be imposed:

  • This link would generate and display the Soil Data Mart's Map Unit Legend report for soil survey area SSAxxx, mapunits MU1, MU2, and MU3:||MU2||MU3

We hope that this entry point will allow you to use the Soil Data Mart with ease.

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