
Forest Inventory Data Online (FIDO)

Creating Standard Reports Using the Wizard

Use this mode of the FIDO II application to create standard reports. Creating a report using the wizard is primarily for new users or users who wish to simply start with the standard set of FIA reports.

You'll be led step-by-step through the process of creating one of the many available reports, displaying it, and saving the retrieval settings, report data, and session for later use.

If you want to begin the standard reports wizard now, click the Go! button.

Producing Standard Reports

There are 5 steps to creating standard reports. The wizard will guide you through each step as indicated by the buttons in the list on the right. Your choices are summarized in the wizard section at the bottom of the page. Below is a brief description of each of these steps:

area of interest button Define Region of Interest

Define the geographic region for your report by selecting states and counties in this step. By also specifying a circular boundary (latitude, longitude, and radius in miles), you can further refine your report.

select reports button Choose

This page lists common FIA retrievals. Each retrieval you select will produce a single report. Keep in mind that the more retrievals you select, the longer you may have to wait.

survey years button Select Survey Years

From this page, you will select the survey years on which you want to base your report. The survey years displayed are dependent on the states you selected in the first step.

filter options button Set Filter Options

The filter options page lets you select what kind of data your report will display. Each of the filter options has subcategories. You may select as many as you wish.

submit/view retrieval button Submit/View

Once you have finished setting up your reports, this step allows you to review your selections and create your reports in various formats (presently only HTML tables are supported, but more are coming soon).

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Creating Custom Retrievals

Use this mode of the FIDO II application to create new, custom retrievals. You'll be able to do everything from selecting your summary attribute to choosing custom filters and the report layout display. The next sections describe in some detail how this mode of FIDO works...

If you want to begin your custom retrieval now, click the Go! button.

Creating a Custom Retrieval

There are 8 steps to creating and saving a custom report. You can go to any step by clicking on the matching button displayed in the right-hand column. You can also let the wizard guide you through the process by clicking the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page. Below is a brief description of each of these steps:

Start New Retrieval button Start New Retrieval

You start your custom retrieval with this step. You can choose to either start a completely new retrieval/template or pick one of the existing retrievals/templates to use as a starting point.

set summary attribute button Set Summary Attribute

The summary attribute is the value that will be displayed in the cells of your tabular report. Examples include Area of land, Tree volume, Tree mortality, etc.

design report layout Design Report Layout

When you define your report layout, you select how the summary attribute defined above is grouped and reported. FIDO II retrievals are broken down into three axes. In tabular reports the axes define table, row, and column breaks. You will be required to select an attribute for each axis.

filter options button Select Filter Options

Set filters to restrict the data that will be used to generate your report. Each of the filter options has subcategories. You may select as many as you wish.

area of interest button Define Region of Interest

Define the geographic region for your report by selecting states and counties here. You can specify a circular boundary (latitude, longitude, and radius in miles) to further refine the region.

survey years button Choose Survey Years

From this page, you will select the survey years on which you want to base your retrieval. The survey years displayed are dependent on the states you selected in the previous step.

submit/view report button Produce

Once you have finished setting up your reports, this step allows you to review your selections and generate a report in various formats (presently only HTML tables are supported, but more are coming soon).

save active retrieval Save Active Retrieval

Click this button if you want to save your custom retrieval. You will have the option to name the retrieval, give it a title, description, and author. You can also choose in which category the retrieval will appear.

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