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Search CRIS
Search the CRIS database using a fill-in form. A number of Help screens, automatic wildcarding, and built-in search logic are provided. (updated 03/04/2009)
Click here for Assisted Search
Search the CRIS database using a sophisticated interface. Intended for experienced users familiar with CRIS search fields, Boolean operators, and advanced search techniques. NOTE: This interface requires a javascript-capable browser. Netscape 6.x does not work reliably in this interface. (updated 03/04/2009)
Click here for Professional Search
Search pending (formula-funded) CRIS projects by station code. (updated 03/04/2009)
Click here for CRIS Pending Projects
The National Information Management and Support System (NIMSS), maintained by the University of Maryland, is the repository of Multistate project information. Click here to access the database as a guest and search by project number or title. Click here to register for increased search and display capabilities. Note: CRIS projects which participate in a Multistate project may still be retrieved through the Assisted Search or Professional Search interface.
Click here for Multistate Projects
CSREES Administrative Functions (passwords required)
Last Modified 03/04/2009

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