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Previous Issues


This is an archived USAID document retained on this web site as a matter of public record.


Welcome to FrontLines, the employee news publication of USAID. FrontLines features articles about the work that USAID is doing, and the people who are doing it. It is produced monthly and distributed electronically and in print to every employee and retiree, as well as some friends of USAID.

Image: Cover of November  2008 issue of FrontLines - Click on image to readCurrent Issue

December-January 2009

  • Special Report: Diversity is Increasing at USAID
  • AFRICOM General Hails USAID-Military Links
  • Obama Transition Team is Briefed by Agency Leaders
  • 157 Hired: Foreign Service to Double by 2012
  • Charlie Wilson's Peace
  • Embankment in Bangladesh Is Breaking Cycle of Poverty
  • Baseball Stars on Deck to Help the Poor in the Dominican Republic
  • After Conflict, Ugandans Return Home with U.S. Help
  • Aid Worker and Driver Slain in Pakistan
  • Higher Ed Summit Draws Leaders from 25 African Countries
  • Montenegro Tourism Takes Flight
  • Irrigation Helps Malawi Improve Farming and Withstand Recurrent Droughts
... and more!

FrontLines is published by the Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs
U.S. Agency for International Development

Jeffrey Grieco
Assistant Administrator for Legislative and Public Affairs

Steve Tupper
Chief of Strategic Communications and Publications

Frontlines Staff

Ben Barber, Editorial Director
Claire McIntyre, Production Editor
Angela Rucker, Writer
Mary Jane Cotter, Human Resources Coordinator and Employee Liaison


AFGE – Willy Hardin; AFR – Ranta Russell; AFSA – Francisco Zamora; ASIA – Jan Cartwright; CFBCI – Nathan Weber; DCHA – Rebecca Gustafson; EGAT – Jane Stanley; E&E– Sarah Berry, Jen Citrolo; EOP – Gloria Blackwell; GC – Ritu Tariyal; GDA – Lorin Kavanaugh-Ulku; GH – Sandra Jordan, Roslyn Matthews, Chris Thomas; IG – Debra Scott; LAC – Dan Batlle; LPA – Barbara Bennett; M – Mary Mertens; ME – Hope Bryer, Lori Severens; OTI – Rick Swanson; SEC – Dwayne Moore, Lorraine Meehan

Material should be submitted by mail to Editor, FrontLines, USAID,
RRB, Suite 6.10, Washington, DC 20523-6100;
by FAX to 202-216- 3035; or by e-mail to

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