
President Obama Announces More Key Department of Defense Appointments

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals for key posts at the Department of Defense: Jim Miller, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy, and Lt. Gen. Wallace “Chip” Gregson, Jr. (USMC, Ret), Assistant Secretary for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs.


President Obama Selects Health Policy Expert to Head Office of National AIDS Policy

President Barack Obama today announced the appointment of one of the nation’s leading public health policy experts as the Director of Office of National AIDS Policy. Jeffrey S. Crowley, MPH, Senior Research Scholar at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute will coordinate the federal government’s efforts on HIV/AIDS policy and will help guide the administration’s development of disability policies.


ADVISORY: Vice President Biden to Lead First Middle Class Task Force Meeting in Philadelphia

Washington, DC – The Middle Class Task Force, led by Vice President Joe Biden, will hold its first official meeting on FRIDAY February 27th at 12:30 PM EDT at the William B. Irvine Auditorium on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia. The focus of this meeting is on green jobs as a pathway to a strong middle class.


President Obama Nominates Former Governor Gary Locke for Secretary of Commerce

Today, President Barack Obama officially nominated former Washington Governor Gary Locke for Secretary of Commerce. In this key role on the administration’s economic team, Locke will work to foster and promote the nation’s economic development at home, and serve as an influential ambassador for American industry abroad.


Preliminary Excerpt of the President's Address to Congress and the List of Americans Seated with the First Lady

The White House today released a preliminary excerpt of the President’s address to the joint session of Congress tonight. Also, listed below are the names of the Americans who will be seated in the First Lady’s box during the President’s remarks.


Readout on the President's Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Aso

President Obama today held in-depth consultations with the Prime Minister of Japan on the global economic crisis and other areas for bilateral cooperation. The President underscored his firm commitment to the U.S.-Japan Alliance and called for continued progress in modernizing the Alliance by implementing the joint realignment initiative.


President Obama Announces Key Administration Posts

Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate several individuals for key administration posts.


President Obama Announces More Key White House Staff

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced several key White House Staff.


Vice President Biden to Oversee the Administration's implementation of the Recovery Act's Provisions

Vice President Biden to Oversee the Administration’s Implementation of the Recovery Act’s Provisions President Obama Appoints Earl Devaney as Chair of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board


[REVISED] President Obama Announces $15 Billion in Medicaid Relief from ARRA Headed To States

Moving swiftly to bring real relief to Americans hit hard by the economic crisis, President Barack Obama announced today that states will be able to access the first two quarters of Federal Medical Assistance Percentage funding (FMAP) starting this Wednesday, February 25.

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