Thursday, February 19th, 2009 at 9:10 am

Playing, “Did you know?”

First Lady Michelle Obama

"Did you know that African American slaves helped to build this house?" First Lady Michelle Obama asked a group 6th and 7th graders on a visit to the White House Wednesday, an event celebrating African American History Month. She asked them a few more trivia questions, too, before ceding the floor to Sweet Honey in the Rock, an African American female a cappella group.

As she has before when meeting with young people, the First Lady emphasized the potential that every individual has to succeed and the importance of looking to good role models. She highlighted the example of the White House's Director of the Executive Residence and Chief Usher, Rear Admiral Stephen W. Rochon, who was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2007.

"Each and every day the Admiral and his staff, who run this beautiful house, demonstrate the highest level of professionalism," the First Lady said. "It's amazing to watch them. They do their jobs with pride and grace. And that's one thing I hope that you all pick up, is the level of pride and grace that you put into anything you do. They work very hard to make the White House a warm family home and a great presidential residence commanding pride and respect throughout this country and around the world." 

Sweet Honey in the Rock
White House photos 2/18/09 by Joyce N. Boghosian
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