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SEC Concept Releases

The Commission occasionally publishes "concept" releases to solicit the public's views on securities issues so that we can better evaluate the need for future rulemaking. We encourage the public to submit comments on the following concept releases during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. Concept releases currently available include:

Additional Archives

Release No.DateDetails
33-8870 Dec. 12, 2007 Concept Release on Possible Revisions to the Disclosure Requirements Relating to Oil and Gas Reserves
Comments due:  February 19, 2008
File No.:  S7-29-07
Other Release No.:  34-56945
Comments received are available for this notice
Federal Register version
Submit comments on S7-29-07
33-8860 Nov. 16, 2007 Mechanisms to Access Disclosures Relating to Business Activities in or With Countries Designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism
Comments due:  January 22, 2008
File No.:  S7-27-07
Comments received are available for this notice
Federal Register version
Submit comments on S7-27-07
33-8831A Sep. 13, 2007 Concept Release On Allowing U.S. Issuers To Prepare Financial Statements In Accordance With International Financial Reporting Standards (Correcting Amendment)
File No.:  S7-20-07
Other Release Nos.:  34-56217A; IC-27924A
Federal Register version
See also:  Release No. 33-8831
33-8831 Aug. 7, 2007 Concept Release On Allowing U.S. Issuers To Prepare Financial Statements In Accordance With International Financial Reporting Standards (Corrected)
Comments due:  November 13, 2007
File No.:  S7-20-07
Other Release Nos.:  34-56217; IC-27924
Federal Register version
Comments received are available for this notice
Submit comments on S7-20-07
See also:  Release No. 33-8831A

Modified: 01/21/2009