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18th Annual International Emission Inventory Conference
"Comprehensive Inventories -Leveraging Technology and Resources";

Papers and Presentations
Baltimore, Maryland - April 14 - 17, 2009

The papers, presentations, posters and training materials below have been converted to Acrobat PDF.

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Final Program (PDF 960K)

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EPA status reports on data collection programs for criteria, toxics and greenhouse gas emissions.
"Proposed mandatory reporting of GHG emissions," Lisa Hanle, US EPA OAP
"Air Emissions Reporting Rule (AERR) and the new Emissions Inventory System (EIS)," Douglas Solomon, US EPA OAQPS

Discussion Panel: Leveraging Technology and Resources - Regional Collaborations. RPO-MJO-EPA Perspectives:

  • Kathy Pendelton, CENRAP
  • Bob Betterton, SESARM
  • Julie McDill, Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA)
  • Mark Janssen, Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)
  • Tom Moore, Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP)
  • Douglas Solomon, US EPA
  • Session 1. Tools - Leveraging Technology for Better Inventories

    "Applying the Software as a Service Model to Air Emissions Inventory Collection," D. Derby, MACTEC

    "A GIS-based Emission Mapping and Information Tool (EMIT)," J. W. Boulton, P. Joynt and M. V. Altena, RWDI AIR Inc., Canada; D. Jutzi, D. Herod, Environment Canada; P. Smith, D. Ratte and D. Neimi, Environment Canada.

    "Comprehensive Data Management of Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) Emissions Data," T. Moore and L. Gribovicz, Western Governors' Association; E. V. Hoek, J. Adlhoch and B. Davis-Noland, Air Resource Specialists Inc.; D. Randall and M. Mavko, Air Sciences Inc.

    "The Development of a Global Maritime Emissions Inventory Using Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Techniques," D. Neef, Ph.D., DNA Maritime LLC.

    "Your Output is My Input: Collaborative Technologies for an Emissions Cyber Infrastructure", S. Falke and E. Fialkowski, Washington University.

    Session 2. Global/International Issues

    "GEIA - Enhancing Communications on Global Emissions 2009," P. Middleton, Panorama Pathways, C. Granier, NOAA and UPMC and CNRS, Paris; A. Guenther, NCAR; A. Mieville, UPMC and CNRS, Paris

    "Developing Mexico National Emissions Inventory Projections for the Future Years of 2008, 2012 and 2030," M.E. Wolf, P.G. Fields and G. K. Manne, Eastern Research Group Inc.; M.T. Villegas, V.G. Garibay Bravo, and R. Iniestra Gomez, Mexico National Institute of Ecology

    "Developing a First-ever National Mobile Source Emissions Inventory for China,"D. Tang, Y. Ding, H. Yin and D. V. Wagner, Ministry of Environmental Protection, China

    "A Comparison Between the Dutch Emission Registry and the Revised EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook," J.J.P. Kuenen, R. DrÃge and D.C. Heslinga, TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, The Netherlands

    "Developing Emissions for Multi-pollutant Air Quality Modeling in the Middle East," Z. Adelman, B. H. Baek, U. Shankar, UNC Institute for the Environment; D. Streets, Argonne National Laboratory

    Panel: "Expanding the Dialogue on Inventory Harmony and Best Practices"

  • ISSRC Goal: Improve the Air Quality Management Process ISSRC Organization
  • Improve Emissions Inventory Globally . . . . T. Keating, Ph.D.
  • Air Quality and Pollutant Releases Program O. Cabrera-Rivera
  • Global Vehicle Emissions Inventories M. P. Walsh
  • Session 3. EI Preparation for Modeling

    "Preparing Control Case Emission Inventory Projections with EPA's Control Strategy Tool," D. Misenheimer and D. Weatherhead, US EPA

    "Preparation of a Spatialised Emission Inventory as Input for Modeling," G. Triacchini, C. Pastorello, A. Gzella and P. Dilara, European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Italy

    "Improving the Temporal Resolution of Emission Data for Atmospheric Modeling," S. Reis, M. Lang and M. Vieno, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, United Kingdom

    "Developing of Cross-Border Inventories in the Midewst for the US and Canada," M. Janssen, Lake Michigan Air Directors; S. Edick, Michigan DEQ

    "Integration of the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) into the CMAQ Modleing System," G. Pouliot and T. Pierce, US EPA

    "Implementation of MOVES-Based PM2.5 Emissions Approach for Onroad Gasoline Sources using Hourly, Gridded Temperatures," M. Houyoux, M. Strum, R. Mason, H. Michaels andD. Brzezinski, US EPA; J. Beidler and C. Allen, Computer Sciences Corporation

    Session 4. Innovative EI Development Methods

    "Spatiotemporal Variations in Burned Areas and Biomass Burning Emissions Derived from Multiple Satellite-based Active Fires across the USA," X. Zhang, S. Kondragunta and M. Ruminski, NOAA

    "Crustal Matter: Exploring the Differences between Ambient Air Samples and Emissions Inventory," J. James, C. Clark and J. Rice, North Carolina State University

    "Global Energy Observatory: A One-Stop Site for Information on Energy Systems, Infrastructure and Emissions," R. Gupta, Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico

    "Using a Recreational Marine Survey to Improve Spatial and Temporal Allocations in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area," T. Kosub, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; R. Anderson, K. B. Thesing, and J. H. Wilson Jr., E.H. Pechan & Associates, Inc.

    "Analysis of Historical Emission Changes to Inform New Emission Projection Analysis," J. H. Wilson, A. Bollman, V. Glenn and J. Schreiber, E.H. Pechan & Associates; A. Cuclis, Houston Advanced Research Center; K. Pendleton, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

    Session 5. Stationary Sources/Emissions Factors

    "Upstream Oil and Gas Emissions Measurement Project," R. Segall, J. DeWees, and D. Mikel, US EPA OAQPS; E. Thomas, US EPA ORD; C. Beeler, US EPA, Region 8

    "Emission Factors for Abrasive Materials," M. Serageldin, US EPA.

    "Preparation of the 2005 Point Sources National Emissions Inventory for Risk and Technology Review," R.G. Oommen and D.L. Wilson, Eastern Research Group, Inc.; A. Pope, US EPA

    "Total, Non-baseload, eGRID Subregion, State - Guidance on the Use of eGRID Output Emission Rates," S. S. Rothschild, E.H. Pechan & Associates; A. Diem, US EPA OAP

    "Benefits, New Features, and Overview of the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT)," R. Myers, US EPA; P. Baker, MACTEC

    "What's New in SPECIATE 4.2," Y. Hsu and F. Divita Jr., E.H. Pechan & Associates; J. D. Mobley and L. L. Beck, US EPA

    "Sources of Lead Air Emissions and Status of the NEI for Lead,". T.G. Pace and A. Pope, US EPA

    Session 6. Mobile Sources

    "Air Pollution Emissions from Highway Vehicles: What MOVES Tells Us," M. Beardsley, D. Brzezinski, J. Koupal and J. Warila, US EPA OTAQ

    "European Road Transport Emission Trends Linked to Policy Developments," V. Vestreng, Department of Climate and Industry, Norwegian Pollution Control Authority, Oslo, Norway; L. Ntziachristos, Lab of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece; A. Semb and L. Tarrasón, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway; S. Reis, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, Scotland; I. S. A. Isaksen, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway

    "The ARTEMIS European Tools for Estimating the Pollutant Emissions from Road Transport and heir Application in Sweden and France," M. Andre, Transport and Environment, France, INRETS; M. Keller, Infras, Bern, Switzerland; A. Sjodin, Swedish Env. Research Institute, Sweden; M. Gadrat, CETE - Nord-Picardie, France; I. McCrae, Transport Research Laboratory, Great Britan; Panagiota Dilara, European Commission, Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy

    "Mobile Source Emission Estimates Using Remote Sensing Data from Mexican Cities,"J.A. Aguilar-Gómez, V. Garibay-Bravo, G. Tzintzun-Cervantes, I. Cruz-Jimate and G. Echániz-Pellicer, National Institute of Ecology, Mexico

    "Particulate Organic Carbon and Semi-volatile Organic Compound Ambient Modeling,"C. Lindhjem, ENVIRON; E. Fujita, DRI; M. Janssen, LADCO; D. Lawson, NREL

    "Farming in the Lone Star State: Agricultural Equipment Survey for Texas,"K. Thesing and A. Bollman, E.H. Pechan; P. Ogbeide, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality .

    "ERTAC Rail: A Collaborative Effort in Building a Railroad-Related Emissions Inventory Between Eastern States Air Protection Agencies and Participation with the Railroad Industry," M. Bergin, GA Environmental Protection Division; M. Harrell, IL EPA; J. McDill, Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA); M. Janssen, Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO); L. Driver, US EPA; R. Fronczak, American Association of Railroads; R. Nath, CSX Transportation; and D. Seep, BSNF Railway

    "FAA's EDMS Airport Air Quality Model - Inventories of Criteria and Hazardous Pollutants for the Aviation Sector," R. Iovinelli and M. Gupta, Federal Aviation Administration

    "Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Data Use in Marine Vessel Emission Estimation,"H. Perez, R. Chang, and R. Billings, ERG, Inc.; T. Kosub, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

    Session 7. Greenhouse Gases

    "Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Baltimore County and County Government 2002-2006,"P. Brady and B. Fath, Towson University

    "Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Strategies Related to Waste Management by Local Government," V. Thompson, R. Rosen Ph.D., B. Schuster, P. Groth, S. Hatcher and A. Choate, ICF International

    "Conducting a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory at the Metropolitan Level, Allocated to Municipalities and Counties," R. Graff, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission; A. Choate and P. Groth, ICF International

    "Development of an Integrated Criteria/Toxic Air Pollutant and GHG Emissions Inventory," S. M. Roe, A. Bollman, M. Mullen and M. Salhotra, E. H. Pechan; M. Stein, Iowa Department of Natural Resources; L. Chappell, US EPA

    "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Activities of NCDAQ," S. Masemore, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Air Quality

    "Forecasting Wildfires and Examining the Impact of Global Climate Change," J. Leone, J. Pearce and K. Gore, North Carolina State University

    "Determining Adequate Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation Methods for Mandatory Reporting Under the Western Climate Initiative Cap-and-Trade Program," P.G. Fields and M.E Wolf, Eastern Research Group, Inc.; B. Musick, New Mexico Environment Department

    "GHG Emission Verification in Alberta," K. Bolechowsky, P.Eng., ClearSky Engineering

    "Sectoral Guidance for Consistent GHG Assessments," K. Ritter, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC; J. Keating, BP America, Inc., Naperville, IL; T. Shires, URS Corporation, Austin, TX; M. Lev-On, The LEVON Group, LLC, Thousand Oaks, CA

    "GHG Marginal Abatement Cost and Its Impacts on Emissions per Import Value from Containerships in United States," H. Wang, University of Delaware

    "The Vulcan Project: Methods, Results, and Evaluation,” K. R. Gurney, D. Mendoza, Y. Zhou, C. Miller and S. Geethakumar, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University; M. Fischer and S. de la Rue du Can, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    "A Global Map of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Derived from Large Point Source Database,"T. Oda and S. Maksyutov, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies

    "Development of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories and Forecasts in the Mexico Border States of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas,"J. A. Maldonado, S. M. Roe and C. Quiroz, E.H. Pechan & Associates, VA; R. Strait, T. Peterson and E. Ranger, The Center for Climate Strategies, Washington, D.C.

    Session 8. Tools - Air Toxics

    "Enhancing EPA Region 4 Emission Inventory for Air Toxics," E. Louis and K. Mitchell, US EPA Region 4

    "Identifying Priority Hazardous Air Pollutants of Potential Concern: A Comparison of 2005 Toxicity-Weighted Emissions and Ambient Risk Screening Results," R.G. Oommen and J.M. Hauser, Eastern Research Group, Inc.; A. Pope and B. Driscoll, US EPA

    "Panel: Air Toxics Risk Characterization and the Regulatory Process"

    Session 9. EI Data Analysis and Validation

    "Multi-pollutant Emissions Inventories and Analysis for Key Industrial Sectors," A. Pope, L. Hanle, T. Ndoh, and L. Chappell, US EPA

    "Evaluation of GOES Biomass Burning Emissions using Modeled and Observed Carbon Monoxide (CO) during April - May 2007 Florida/Georgia Fires," S. Kondragunta and C. Barnet, NOAA NESDIS; X. Zhang, ERT; E. Maddy, Perot Systems; E-S. Yang and S. Christopher, University of Alabama at Huntsville.

    "Use of Atmospheric Observations and Forward Models to Verify Emission Inventory," P. K. Patra, Frontier Research Center for Global Change/JAMSTEC, Japan.

    "Methods for Emission Projection Uncertainty Assessment," J, Lumbreras, J. Pérez, R. Borge, Encarnacion Rodríguez Laboratory of Environmental Modelling, Technical University of Madrid, Spain.

    Poster Session

    1. "e-DMA and the IKS eeM System", M. B. García, IKS eeM-Environmental Data Information Management System Responsible, Environmental Quality Directorate, Basque Country

    2. "Emissions Processing Methodology For The Canadian Air Quality Model GEM-MACH," M. Sassi1, L-P. Crevier1, S. Ménard, Air Quality Modeling Applications Section, Meteorological Service of Canada; G. Morneau, Science Division, MSC Operations – Quebec Environment Canada; D. Niemi, Pollution Data Division, Science & Technology Branch, Environment Canada; P. Makar and W. Gong, Air Quality Research Division, Science & Technology Branch, Environment Canada; D. Fox,

    3. "Local-Scale Emissions Information for High Resolution Air Quality Modeling: Detroit Multi-Pollutant Pilot Project," R. L. Tooly and K.Wesson, U.S. EPA

    4. "Integrate Emission Inventory in Environmental Governance Information Systems," C. Trozzi, R. Vaccaro, E. Piscitello and A. Ruggiero, Techne Consulting

    5. "The Air Emissions Reporting Requirements Rule (AERR)," D. Beauregard, US EPA

    6. "Submitting Data to the Emission Inventory System," M. Husk and S. Dombrowski, US EPA

    7. "The Emission Inventory System (EIS) Bridge Tool," M. Husk and S. Dombrowski, US EPA

    8. "The Use of Portable Emission Measurements (PEMS) for the Validation of Emission Factors for Heavy Duty Vehicles," P. Dilara, M. Muntean, P. Bonnel and J. Kubelt, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy; S. Hausberger, Institute for Internal Combustion Engines, University of Technology Graz, Austria .

    9. "EPA NONROAD Model Updates of 2008," C. Harvey and P. Carey, US EPA

    10. "A GIS-based Emission Mapping and Information Tool (EMIT)," J. W. Boulton, P. Joynt and M. V. Atena, RWDI AIR Inc., Canada; D. Jutzi, D. Herod, Environment Canada; P. Smith, D. Ratte and D. Neimi, Environment Canada

    11. "Compilation of a Province-Wide Air Emissions Inventory for Alberta," J. W. Boulton, D. Devine, R. Chapman and D. Cherneski - RWDI AIR Inc., Canada; R. Bioletti, R. Melick, and D. Niemi, Environment Canada

    12. "Total, Non-baseload, eGRID Subregion, State - Guidance on the Use of eGRID Output Emission Rates," S. S. Rothschild, E.H. Pechan & Associates; A. Diem, US EPA OAP


    The Emissions Inventory System, M. Husk and S. Dombrowski, US EPA (PDF )

    Introduction to EPA's Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), D. Brzezinski, US EPA

    Greenhouse Gase Inventory 101, A. Denny, US EPA

    The Emissions Inventory System Process , M. Husk and S. Dombrowski, US EPA (PDF 386KB)

    Introduction to EPA's Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), D. Brzezinski, US EPA

    Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions, A. Denny, US EPA

    Software Showcase

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