Labor and occupational safety

Campos Envenenados: Los trabajadores agrícolas y los pesticidas en California (Reporte)
Este reporte escrito por PANNA, Unión de Campesinos (United Farm Workers-UFW, AFL-CIO) y la Fundación de Asistencia Legal Rural de California (California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation-CRLAF) revela que los trabajadores agrícolas de California enfrentan el riesgo de envenenarse con pesticidas más que cualquier otro segmento de la población y no están adecuadamente protegidos por las leyes de seguridad de pesticidas. Este reporte incluye el texto en Inglés. Online availability. Also available in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

El Bromuro de metilo-Lo que Ud. debe saber de este pesticida (What you should know about the pesticide methyl bromide) (Pamphlet)
This 1998 Spanish-language brochure explains the dangers of methyl bromide and is especially geared to farmworkers and other people working with or living near use of this pesticide. Spanish. PANNA. 11 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides (Report)
This 2002 report by PANNA, United Farm Workers, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, and Californians for Pesticide Reform compiles information on reported farmworker pesticide poisonings and enforcement of pesticide worker health and safety laws throughout California. This report includes the text in Spanish. Online availability.

Fields of Poison: California Farmworkers and Pesticides (Report)
This 1999 report by PANNA, United Farm Workers, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, and Californians for Pesticide Reform reveals that California farmworkers face a greater risk of pesticide poisonings than any other segment of the population and are not adequately protected by pesticide safety laws. This report includes the text in Spanish. Online availability. Also available in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Grapes crop sheet (Crop sheet)
2002. Grapes crop sheet on the dangers to farmworkers of exposure to high-hazard pesticides and how to respond in the event of suspected poisonings. Spanish and English. PANNA and Organización en California de Líderes Campesinas. The crop sheet.

Huicholes & Pesticides (Video)
1994 video available in both Spanish and English versions. The Huichol Indians of Mexico have traditionally lived self-sufficiently as agriculturalists, hunters and gatherers--a lifestyle based on respecting nature. Nevertheless, destruction of environmental equilibrium, through deforestation and other constant invasion of their lands, is forcing many Huichols to migrate from the mountains to the coast to find work as temporary fieldworkers. In the state of Nayarit, the Huichols, like other indigenous groups such as the Coras, Tepehuanos and Mexicaneros, live and work in the tobacco fields where they are exposed to extremely toxic pesticides. PANNA (a Patricia Díaz-Romo Production). 27 minutes. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Oranges crop sheet (Crop sheet)
2002. Oranges crop sheet on the dangers to farmworkers of exposure to high-hazard pesticides and how to respond in the event of suspected poisonings. Spanish and English. PANNA and Organización en California de Líderes Campesinas. The crop sheet.

Strawberries crop sheet (Crop sheet)
2002. Strawberries crop sheet on the dangers to farmworkers of exposure to high-hazard pesticides and how to respond in the event of suspected poisonings. Spanish and English. PANNA and Organización en California de Líderes Campesinas. The crop sheet.

Resources available elsewhere
Our collection of links to key related resources available elsewhere on the Internet. Feel free to submit or correct a link.

Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP) (Web site)
Funs educational campaigns, does advocacy work, and testifies at congressional hearings and international forums on the behalf of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families to improve their quality of life.
California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) (Web site)
CRLA, founded in 1966, is a nonprofit legal services program focused on securing economic justice and human rights on behalf of the rural poor, providing more than 20,000 poor rural Californians with non-cost legal services and a variety of community education and outreach programs.
Campaign for Labor Rights (Web site)
Organizes grassroots campaigns in solidarity with workers' efforts on the ground, services include newsletter publications, email action alerts, and a Sweatshop Activist Organizing Packet.
Corporate Watch (Web site)
Online magazine and resource center exposing corporate greed by documenting the social, political, economic and environmental impacts of transnational corporations.
Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) (Web site)
FLOC is a union of migrant and seasonal farmworkers in the Midwest organizing to bring about more rights for farmworkers and the "Children in the Fields" Campaign.
Global Exchange (Web site)
A non-profit research, education, and action center dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world monitoring U.S. corporations in developing countries, supporting fair trade and offering "Reality Tours", with recent focus around Disney, GAP, Nike, Saipan and global trade.
National Consumers League (NCL)/ Child Labor Coalition (Web site)
NCL is a private, non-profit advocacy group representing consumers on marketplace and workplace issues, programs include the Child Labor Coalition and the Children in the Fields Campaign which works to improve protection for children in agriculture.
UNITE (Web site)
Founded in 1995, UNITE aggressively fights for worker's rights, organizing new workers, fighting against sweatshops and against corporate greed. Union represents workers in Canada, the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
United Farm Workers (UFW) (Web site)
Organizational information and resources from the UFW.

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