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Fountain Inn, SC 29644

Before the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United States Senate Regarding VVA Legislative Priorities for the 111th Congress

January 28, 2009

Good morning, Senator Akaka, Senator Burr, and other members of this distinguished committee. On behalf of the members of Vietnam Veterans of America and our families, I am pleased to present to you VVA’s main legislative priorities for the 111th Congress.

Too often, it seems to many that the government puts off dealing with the healthcare problems of entire generations of veterans. For instance, the Gulf War has been over almost twenty years and the government is finally confronted with evidence that is difficult to refute that there are real maladies associated with military service, illnesses that do not constitute as “syndrome” but are real and debilitating nevertheless. The government’s actions are unacceptable. Hence the need for legislative remedies. What follows are priorities that, if enacted and enforced, will, it is our belief and our hope, make the VA more efficient in caring for our nation’s veterans.

complete testimony Read or Print Complete Testimony

The VVA Self-Help Guide to Service-Connected Disability Compensation for Exposure to Agent Orange

Agent Orange Guide

Click on the cover (above) to go to the guide

In Memoriam

Our VVA and AVVA membership both past and present are utmost important to our organization and the rich history they bring. Our members who have died have not been forgotten and remain as integral part of the history of Vietnam Veterans of America and Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America. These men and women have made what VVA and AVVA is today and continues to be. It in this vein, that we want to honor their memory and legacy by publishing their obituary narratives as they have been collected and written. Some are more complete than others depending on the information that was provided to the National Chaplain. It is the intent of this site to post all the narratives that have been collected since we started publishing the TAPS column. Please note that we did not start TAPS column at the beginning of our organization but only many years later and there will be many whose names will not appear but their memory nevertheless lives on. Please remember these men and women who have given so much to make VVA and AVVA what it is today – “one generation of Veterans not leaving another behind.”

Father Phil Salois, M.S.
VVA National Chaplain

[ visit the TAPS section on vva.org ]

The Things You Can’t Take With You

“You can’t take it with you,” the old saying insists, and it’s true, of course. But there’s another way to look at the things you can’t take with you. The things you leave behind can express the priorities of your life, and how you want to be remembered. Leaving those things to the people and causes you care about can be one of the defining acts of your life.

And if you don’t do it yourself, a government bureaucracy will do it for you.

Legacy ClockTo avoid that sad fate, many Vietnam members are creating detailed wills. Vietnam Veterans of America is offering a free Will Planning Guide, with a helpful Will Planning Checklist to take the mystery out of the process. VVA has also recently created a program called the Lasting Legacy Society to recognize those veterans who include VVA in their wills.

VVA members and friends who remember VVA in their will become members of VVA’s Lasting Legacy Society and as a token of VVA’s appreciation will receive a finely crafted clock of genuine black marble, solid brass, and select American walnut. This handsome timepiece stands 9” tall and will be a welcome addition to any bookcase or fireplace mantel. VVA will proudly welcome members to the Lasting Legacy Society and ship the exclusive VVA Society clock to those who provide evidence, such as a copy of the will or letter from their attorney, that VVA is named as a beneficiary of their estate.

[ click to learn more and to request the free VVA will planner & checklist ]



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