Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=601 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

European Library

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: The European Library portal provides bibliographic access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals - both digital and non-digital) of the 43 national libraries of Europe. Also includes links for the "Treasures of the national libraries of Europe," which are guides to their digital collections.

Coverage: Various Dates

Bibliographic Tools
Cataloging Resources
European Studies
Publicly Available Resources

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only

Related Links
Cybrary: National Library Catalogues Worldwide
European Commission Libraries Catalogue

Other Related Links:
WESWEBB: European Studies - Regional and Historical Resources

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