Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=1745 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

Grey Literature Archive for Development Researchers

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: Database of grey literature about how information and communication technologies are being used to solve social problems in developing countries. Supported by the Department of Communication at the University of Washington - " Gray literature includes project reports, academic research, working papers, pre-prints, committee proceedings, scientific and technical documentation, and feature news articles, that are not easily accessible through the usual bibliographic sources."

Coverage: Various Dates

Area Studies
Publicly Available Resources
Technical Reports and Standards

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Europa World

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Science Accelerator

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